:sunglasses: 13.3 % :pray: 13.3 % :laughing: 66.7 % :cry: 6.7 %
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By safe_timber_man
satnav wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:20 pm I wonder if he is starting to get cold feet about winning the seat. If he wins he will be forced to turn up on a regular basis to a chamber where he will be hated by most MPs. He could well see much of his lucrative media work dry up leaving him worse off than he is now. He would probably prefer coming a close second so that he can claim that he has been stitched up by the establishment.

I literally just came here to ask this question. I've always thought Farage has spent the last few years absolutely desperate to get a seat, reap all those lovely rewards, expenses and attention. But actually, he most likely earns a lot more money from all his grifts, most of which would have to stop if he became an MP. I still do think he loves the idea of it, but his life is spent rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous, making lots of money and dining out in fancy establishments. Not cutting a ribbon for poor uneducated people at Clactons village hall and listening to their woes. He can get his seat and just completely abandon them but that'd massively damage his brand. I genuinely can't decide - does he really want to win this or not?
By RedSparrows
No. He has it made as he is. He doesn't need or want anything else, in my view. Why would he even want to be leader of the Tories, as some suggest? Far too much work, far too much risk of not being able to do what he wants.

It's perfect for him as it is: cachet, clout, money, willing ears, significant influence on key points (broadly), no responsibility.
Spoonman liked this
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By Andy McDandy
There's no job description for an MP. No minimum amount of hours to put in at the Commons, no targets beyond getting re-elected. He can grift however much he likes - as party 'leader', he's marking his own homework. As long as he jobs it all down in the register of interests, he can do as he likes.

If Johnson pushed the envelope on acceptable behaviour and the "decent people" assumption, Fargle will smash it to pieces. Until his constituents decide to vote him out.
Watchman, Youngian, Spoonman and 2 others liked this
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By Crabcakes
I suspect Farage has about as much desire to actually be LOTO as Johnson had desire to actually win the Brexit vote. Because as shown on his face the day after that was the point they knew he had to actually do it rather than the real wheeze, which was use it to get a nicer job for himself, maybe a few bonus EU concessions, piss off “the lefties” and then off to the club for a comped gout-inducing meal before heading home (well, to someone’s home) to bed (bang whatever unfortunate lady was being lined up as the next Mrs Johnson).

Someone who wants to be genuinely popular or get a message across doesn’t charge for their rallies. Someone who wants to use their limited existing popularity to skim the poor sods who have been suckered in do. Which is why Trump does, and Farage does.
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By Andy McDandy
Watchman wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:05 pm Has FrogFace actually campaigned in Clacton?
He got milkshaked there. Not sure if he's been back, although he released a shot of him with a "Vote for me" message etched in the sand.

He can argue that as party leader (his choice), he has a responsibility to be everywhere, but so far it seems to be either the sort of place they film the Antiques Roadshow, or past it seaside towns.
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By Watchman
From our Over In America page.............................wondered where I seen it before
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:49 pm Actual US Senator for Alabama.

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By Yug
kreuzberger wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 9:25 am ... but toad-face isn't called and is then hoiked out for smoking.

Cunt's a cunt.
That explains why he's so desperate to get into parliament. The House of Commons bar is the only one left in the country where you can legally smoke indoors.
By Bones McCoy
safe_timber_man wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:56 pm
satnav wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:20 pm I wonder if he is starting to get cold feet about winning the seat. If he wins he will be forced to turn up on a regular basis to a chamber where he will be hated by most MPs. He could well see much of his lucrative media work dry up leaving him worse off than he is now. He would probably prefer coming a close second so that he can claim that he has been stitched up by the establishment.

I literally just came here to ask this question. I've always thought Farage has spent the last few years absolutely desperate to get a seat, reap all those lovely rewards, expenses and attention. But actually, he most likely earns a lot more money from all his grifts, most of which would have to stop if he became an MP. I still do think he loves the idea of it, but his life is spent rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous, making lots of money and dining out in fancy establishments. Not cutting a ribbon for poor uneducated people at Clactons village hall and listening to their woes. He can get his seat and just completely abandon them but that'd massively damage his brand. I genuinely can't decide - does he really want to win this or not?
If elected, I think Nigel will outsource the constituency work to an Indian callcentre.
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