Oboogie wrote: ↑Sat Jan 04, 2025 4:50 pm
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: ↑Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:07 pm
'Coward' has become the lazy-thinking alternative meaning for 'without honour'.
We are cursed to live in times where words have very loose meanings..
And I agree that one can be a right bastard and brave at the same time. We have become so addicted to clichés that 'brave' is always used in positive settings and cannot easily be understood by basic users in any other context (eg Sir Humphrey Appleby). In fact we have a whole raft of words which are now so imbued with false values that they have lost almost all strength.
Has anyone described either attack as genocide yet? Give it time.
That's a difficult one. There is actual genocide at one end - the attempt to eradicate, kill or destroy and entire category of people as a matter of policy and in an organised and industrialised manner, and there is mass murder in which a smaller (but still huge) number of people are killed, we don't have a handy term for just killing even more huge numbers of people in an organised and planned manner. Such as Israeli policy in Gaza, for example. Wholesale slaughter? What do we call it and remain true to the actual meaning of genocide.
Of course it is possible that Israel's intention is actual genocide, but that would require some industrialisation of the process. How about 'particularly bloodthirsty ethnic cleansing'?