:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
By Youngian
Recall most on this site saw the difference between scummy personalised digs, ridiculous stuff about Czech spies and a record of dubious things Corbyn had said and done (“smears”). There was so much of the latter to print, the press didn’t have to invent too many lies.
Last edited by Youngian on Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Abernathy
Part of Corbyn Cult mythology, now, or holy writ as they like to think of it.

Jeremy Corbyn was uniquely vilified and abused practically 24 hours a day from the minute he became leader, runs the mythology/holy writ.

No-one ever seems to address the point that, given that it’s commonly accepted that every single Labour leader faces vilification to a greater or lesser degree, why the buggering fuck did they insist on electing a leader (TWICE) whom they must have known would be subjected, by dint of his “shooting fish in a barrel” political track record, to the sort of abuse and vilification that they insist was a key factor in his conspicuous failure ?
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By The Weeping Angel
Youngian wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:01 pm None of that would matter if Corbyn was an adept politician, employing competent staff to formulate a counter-strategy. If anything he got off lightly with the media until after GE2017.
There's also plenty of stuff they didn't mention such as Iran and Venezuela amongst others.
By davidjay
Abernathy wrote: Mon Oct 18, 2021 7:56 pm Part of Corbyn Cult mythology, now, or holy writ as they like to think of it.

Jeremy Corbyn was uniquely vilified and abused practically 24 hours a day from the minute he became leader, runs the mythology/holy writ.

No-one ever seems to address the point that, given that it’s commonly accepted that every single Labour leader faces vilification to a greater or lesser degree, why the buggering fuck did they insist on electing a leader (TWICE) whom they must have known would be subjected, by dint of his “shooting fish in a barrel” political track record, to the sort of abuse and vilification that they insist was a key factor in his conspicuous failure ?
We all know the answer to this one - they'd rather be victimised than win an election.
Spoonman, Nigredo liked this
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By Cyclist
Oblomov wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:33 am https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-c ... 38976.html

Magic Grandad's conference is going to find the REAL solutions to climate change.
I predict the findings will be it's all the fault of Jews, Americans and Big Pharma, so the solution is homeopathy, the destruction of Israel and the USA, criminalise Judaism, and to install Jeremy as Secretary-General of the UN.

Do I win the inaugural Momentum Prize for Climatology?
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By Crabcakes
Oblomov wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:33 am https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-c ... 38976.html

Magic Grandad's conference is going to find the REAL solutions to climate change.
There are a couple of clues about what it'll really be on. First, this quote (my emphasis):
That change must be environmental but also social and economic. Our crises of inequality, climate, Covid-19 and democracy are all linked.
And second, that there will be trade union leaders and in-conversation events.

He's not wrong that these things are all linked, but this all reeks of an excuse for him to wheel out the same old speeches on the topics he likes (complete with a couple of hastily bolted-on eco quotes) from the same old faces who did jack shit when they had the opportunity to, followed by a couple of opportunities for people to pay to listen to him waffle on and field some incredibly softball questions.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I'm not sure what's changed since he was leader and didn't run on a wealth tax. Of course, there's no reason for the goverment to be making cuts now, irrespective of wealth taxes or not.

I don't rule them out necessarily, but places that do have them don't raise all that much from them (except for Luxembourg and Switzerland, which aren't very typical overall). I dunno, maybe the UK, with its expensive assets, could be exactly the right place for it. But my suspicion is that this is more "other people are paying" politics from Jez and co. As I always say, I believe that you need tax rises much further down to pay for the stuff everyone wants.

By mattomac
Until they own some responsibility for why the Conservatives can do whatever I've stopped listening to his sage advice.

Oddly enough no one really mentions be was anywhere between 20-26pts behind when he left officer of leader.

And as said about climate change he mentioned it very little in 2017 it's odd how he was converted to the biggest campaigner for climate change since.
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