:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By Crabcakes
It’s because he’d spend billions and risk all sorts of legal nonsense to do it immediately. Just like he’d ban all exports that had anything to do with Israel regardless of whether they were even remotely related to military stuff. Or never authorise use of force against a hostile foreign power attacking an ally. Because it doesn’t matter if it’s terrible value for money or puts jobs and livelihoods at risk or even lives at risk, the *most* important thing is, how does it make him look to his peers?
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By Yug
Jeremy Corbyn has addressed a meeting for a new leftwing political party named Collective attended by the former Unite general secretary Len McCluskey and a number of former independent candidates.

Key figures in the group said they hoped the party would act as an incubator for future leaders who could replace Corbyn as a figurehead of the left, and aim to contest seats at the next general election.

At the private meeting on Sunday, where Corbyn gave the opening speech, founders said they would begin drawing up democratic structures for a new party to launch.

A source close to Corbyn said his attendance was not an official endorsement and that he had attended the meeting to “listen to and share a variety of views about the way forward for the left”.

Organisers said they hoped that forming a new party would be a way of garnering new support. “There will be a new left party that will contest the next election and hopefully be a meaningful counterweight to Reform and the rightwing drift of the Labour party,” one said...

https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... collective

How nice. Another loony-left Party where the navel-gazers can sit and chat their anti-semitic shit, pick up half a dozen votes, and not cause trouble for the grown-ups in the Labour Party.

How many of these splinter groups are there now?
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By Abernathy
A source close to Corbyn said his attendance was not an official endorsement and that he had attended the meeting to “listen to and share a variety of views about the way forward for the left”.
The “way forward for the left” is static. Down a cul-de-sac. Corbyn actually found the way forward, and arguably had his foot in the door, but he totally fucked up his chance. Him and his fucknugget chums do not, and at any cost absolutely should not, get another chance.
Last edited by Abernathy on Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Crabcakes
A source close to Corbyn said his attendance was not an official endorsement and that he had attended the meeting to “listen to and share a variety of views about the way forward for the left”.
Translation: Jeremy hasn’t decided yet whether they’ll make him look good and tell him what a lovely, decent and always 100% correct man he is. If it looks like they will, he’ll be taking credit for endorsing it from day 1. If not, or - god forbid - they disagree with him on something, you’ll never hear from him again.
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