:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
By Youngian
Chorley will be heard!
An English local council has witnessed chaotic scenes at its recent budget debate after pro-Palestine protesters staged a demonstration before scuffles erupted.

Hurley had asked a question about housing in the Lancashire borough but later opted to turn her attention to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Sharing the footage on social media. Hurley said: “Tory councillor, Craige Southern, ASSAULTS me when we challenge Chorley council on why they have not passed a motion for ceasefire in Gaza during the horrific genocide.

“First Hoyle stops our voice, now this! Chorley will be heard.” https://www.gbnews.com/news/palestine-p ... il-meeting
By Youngian
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 06, 2024 1:33 pm Alan Wood, who taught me Russian history at university, and was in many ways a classic Hobsbawm-style left wing academic, summed it up very simply: Russians play for keeps. Yes, you need to take into account the big 3 strategic aims and the legacy of history, but don't ever take them lightly or expect them to play fair.
Made sense when he said it but Putin has managed to destroy the main planks of Russian foreign policy in Europe since Soviet times; creating a buffer zone of countries between Russia and the West. Finlandisation has even been abandoned by Finland in favour of NATO membership. And now Russia’s near abroad of Moldova and Georgia want to join NATO as well.
Decoupling Britain from Europe was going well but the Ukrainian invasion has shown that to be a proven military and diplomatic failure.
The Weeping Angel liked this
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By Yug
Youngian wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:00 am Chorley will be heard!
An English local council has witnessed chaotic scenes at its recent budget debate after pro-Palestine protesters staged a demonstration before scuffles erupted.

Hurley had asked a question about housing in the Lancashire borough but later opted to turn her attention to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Sharing the footage on social media. Hurley said: “Tory councillor, Craige Southern, ASSAULTS me when we challenge Chorley council on why they have not passed a motion for ceasefire in Gaza during the horrific genocide.

“First Hoyle stops our voice, now this! Chorley will be heard.” https://www.gbnews.com/news/palestine-p ... il-meeting
"... when we challenge Chorley council on why they have not passed a motion for ceasefire in Gaza during the horrific genocide..."

What the fuck has Chorley council got to do with the ongoing situation in Gaza? These people are seriously deranged.
By slilley
I am sure if Chorley Council calls for a ceasefire the guns on all sides will fall silent within the hour.

This is utterly ridiculous. The council should be talking about pit holes and libraries not Gaza, an issue over which they have no influence let alone control. This sort of behaviour is why people are turned off voting Labour,
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By Malcolm Armsteen
We used to have this from the Corbynite entryists in our CLP. One example was a long, rambling motion on supporting the NHS, a boilerplate with 'name of constituency here' sections.
When asked if the mover thought we were against the NHS he didn't answer. When asked what the motion was intended to achieve, he had no answer. Also who we were to send it to...

It's all about the performance and feeling good about yourself.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
It's the mark of the man. A new vision, never seen before...
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By Abernathy
“The Corbyn Project”? “The political elite” won’t do it, so we’ll have to do it ourselves ?

For fuck’s sake, Corbyn was the leader of the Labour Party and of the official opposition. He was the political elite. And he completely fucked it up.

You couldn’t leave it to Corbyn and his cohort of “radical” chums to run a fucking raffle, never mind save the world from the clutches of evil capitalism.

What we have here is Corbyn back in his true comfort zone - shouting at clouds. As impotent as a syphillitic todger. But right on, man.

It’s all so predictable, and more than a bit depressing. All you can say is thank FUCK the nightmare of Corbyn as Labour leader is resolutely in the past and staying there.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Peter Apps is a solid housing guy from the trade press. It's not a bad line up really.

One thing I notice is that Jez lives in a world where lots of things, like business investment, productivity and trade just happen, without discussion. All Jez has to do is decide how much tax he's going to take off the people who've brought it all about, and spend it. Or rather party activists decide at conference.
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