:sunglasses: 57.1 % :pray: 4.8 % :laughing: 28.6 % :poo: 9.5 %
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By Andy McDandy
I've said it before but remember the Protesting South Africa photo. It doesn't show a lone brave man being hauled away by Thatcher's boot boys for protesting against Apartheid, but a guy insistent on making a noise while the adults are all at a very tricky point in negotiations and don't need the distraction.
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 11:46 am I've said it before but remember the Protesting South Africa photo. It doesn't show a lone brave man being hauled away by Thatcher's boot boys for protesting against Apartheid, but a guy insistent on making a noise while the adults are all at a very tricky point in negotiations and don't need the distraction.
He's lived off that photo longer than Baddiel & Skinner have with that Three Lions nonsense.
mattomac, Nigredo liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
I think this is interesting. This is one of the better Corbynites, who I generally like. She's not doing the full Lowkey-Jez bollocks, but you can see the influence of that group.

Don't think there's any great mystery what Ukraine would like, is there? And it would be odd for the UK Government to say "OK, just keep that big chunk you seized at this stage.

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By The Weeping Angel
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:14 pm I think this is interesting. This is one of the better Corbynites, who I generally like. She's not doing the full Lowkey-Jez bollocks, but you can see the influence of that group.

Don't think there's any great mystery what Ukraine would like, is there? And it would be odd for the UK Government to say "OK, just keep that big chunk you seized at this stage.

Here she is claiming Boris Johnson scuppered a peace deal.

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By Abernathy
Text of a motion to be put to the NEC tomorrow :grinning:

This meeting of the NEC notes:

1. the Labour Party’s purpose is to organise and maintain in Parliament and in the
country a political Labour Party;

2. the NEC’s primary purpose, pursuant to Chapter 1, Clause VIII.2 of the Labour
Party Rule Book,is to provide a strategic direction for the Labour Party as a whole,
to secure the Labour Party’s objectives, and that the NEC’s key function is to win
elections and maintain the support of voters, pursuant to Chapter 1, Clause
VIII.2.B of the Labour Party Rule Book;

3. the NEC’s responsibility to act in the best interests of the Labour Party as a
whole to further, as best as it can, the Labour Party’s best political interests and
its political position in the country;

4. that the Labour Party has not secured a Parliamentary majority in the House of
Commons since 2005;

5. that, in the 2019 general election, led by Rt Hon. Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour
Party returned 202 MPs to Parliament, being the lowest number of Labour
Party MPs returned since the 1935 general election; and

6. Mr Corbyn is currently a member of the Labour Party and an Independent MP
for Islington North; and

7. that the Labour Party’s standing with the electorate in the country, and its
electoral prospects in seats it is required to win in order to secure a
Parliamentary majority and/or win the next general election, are both
significantly diminished should Mr Corbyn be endorsed by the Labour Party as
one of its candidates for the next general election.

This meeting of the NEC considers and agrees that:

8. in order to effect the NEC’s primary purpose to maximise the Labour Party’s
prospects of winning the next general election, and to avoid any detrimental
impact on the Labour Party’s standing with the electorate in the country as a

9. the Labour Party’s interests, and its political interests at the next general
election, are not well served by Mr Corbyn running as a Labour Party candidate;

10.it is not in the best interests of the Labour Party for it to endorse Mr Corbyn as
a Labour Party candidate at the next general election.

Accordingly, this meeting resolves that:
11.Mr Corbyn will not be endorsed by the NEC as a candidate on behalf of the
Labour Party at the next general election;

12.the General Secretary write to Mr Corbyn immediately after this meeting to
advise him of the above; and

13.Mr Corbyn remains a member of the Labour Party and, save as set out above,
his rights to attend Labour Party meetings and voting rights afforded under the
Labour Party Rule Book remain unchanged.

Proposer: Keir Starmer
Seconded: Shabana Mahmood
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I know Johanna Baxter a bit. She'll thoroughly go for this as chair...
Abernathy liked this
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By Abernathy
Jez is predictably, not happy. But it's time for him to piss or get off the pot.
Today, Keir Starmer has broken his commitment to respect the rights of Labour members and denigrated the democratic foundations of our Party.
I have been elected as the Labour MP for Islington North on 10 consecutive occasions since 1983. I am proud to represent a community that supports vulnerable people, joins workers on the picket line and fights for transformative change.
This latest move represents a leadership increasingly unwilling to offer solutions that meet the scale of the crises facing us all. As the government plunges millions into poverty and demonises refugees, Keir Starmer has focused his opposition on those demanding a more progressive and humane alternative.
I joined the Labour Party when I was 16 years old because, like millions of others, I believed in a redistribution of wealth and power. Our message is clear: we are not going anywhere. Neither is our determination to stand up for a better world.
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