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By Andy McDandy
If the grammar schools are selective, then kids from deprived backgrounds won't be at any more of a disadvantage - unless you're talking about private school kids being tutored and coached through the entrance exams.

If the parents are buying homes next to the grammar schools, then they clearly have cash to spare, or the grammar school is looking more for money than academic ability/promise.

Either way, Tarquin and Emily are going to the fucking comp.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
State grammar schools don't charge, so how does applying VAT to some other schools that do affect pupils? Presumably the private school kids just compete - but then, of course, that's what their parents are afraid of.
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By Andy McDandy
I guess that "Labour Schools Shake-up May Reveal Some Upper Middle Class Kids as Not That Clever Actually and Risks Their Exposure to Rough Types" doesn't have the catchiness.
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By Bones McCoy
I suspect they're implying a second order effect.
The financially poorer public school candidates diverting their spend to intensive coaching for the eleven plus.

Which is pretty odd in a media that can't even handle numeric rates of change.
"Inflation falls to 5%, everything will get cheaper".

Bear in mind that not everywhere has an eleven plus, or grammar schools.

I'm a bit old for anecdotes, but back in my day there was a visible counter effect.
Kids who missed a grammar place in the eleven plus would take a pace at a local fee-paying school.
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By Andy McDandy
Bones McCoy wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:33 pm I suspect they're implying a second order effect.
The financially poorer public school candidates diverting their spend to intensive coaching for the eleven plus.

Which is pretty odd in a media that can't even handle numeric rates of change.
"Inflation falls to 5%, everything will get cheaper".

Bear in mind that not everywhere has an eleven plus, or grammar schools.
With the inflation story, they're writing for the readers, who they basically despise. With the schools story, it may well affect them directly, so they pay attention to details.
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