- Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:46 pm
Two options as to how the press establishment will react:
1. A bit like when Joe Lycett was on Kuennesberg and showed them all up. Court jesters have their place, but should remember when to shut up and let the serious people talk.
2. The game show host response - gently remind the punter that they're not there to be funny, and most certainly should not upstage the host.
Whatever the case, it's always good to remember something that's been more and more apparent since social media (especially Twitter) came about - that journalists are no funnier than anyone else. For years, serving as the gatekeeper to the corridors of power, the journalist could pass off other people's jokes as their own and take advantage of the delay between publication and response to formulate witty quips. Then suddenly along comes Twitter et al and it's apparent that there are proles out there who are just as sharp and on the money as any journalist, or "telly jester"/"rubber faced funnyman" or other person in the cool kids club. Suddenly the journalese subtext ("know your fucking place, pleb") is looking very shaky.
My dad always used to say that the best indicator of a sense of humour was an ability to laugh at oneself. On that score, nobody in the newspaper business has one.
As the actress said to the bishop, rabbi, imam and priest
"My eyes have seen the glory, I'm a born again Atheist!"