By The All New KevS
Probably time for a separate topic for Brillo now that he's jumped ship from GBeebies.

After his spat with Right Said Fred (see Covid Fucknuggets thread), he's now got in absolute war with, of all people, Jennifer Acuri, who has made an accusation on Twitter that....well, considering Mr Neil is in full on litigation mode, and to stave off all of us being in the dock, you'll need to go and look for yourself.

To be fair, I don't blame him for unleashing the legal process, as it's an extremely serious allegation - Ms Acuri has not taken the tweet down, but as somebody has pointed out, we know from her assignations in the past that she doesn't have any concept that actions have consequences.

Let's just say it concerns a certain high profile legal process which is currently ongoing.
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By Spoonman
Just seen what Arcuri posted that sent Neil to get the lawyers in and WOAH! :o

Let's just say it concerns a certain high profile legal process which is currently ongoing.

The first thought that went through my head was "How is she sure it is that Andrew Neil?"

It might be complicated however given that she's now apparently resident back in the US, and that any libel award in England is essentially unenforceable now over there unless it meets 'murican libel standards. It depends I guess if Andy feels that it is worthwhile to pursue action on the basis of repairing reputational damage a good bit more that the award of any monetary damages.

In any case...

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By Samanfur
I saw it, too. There was a bit of confusion when the original story broke over a Chris Evans being on the list.

It was the one who married a 19 year old when he was 34, so the Marvel fans shut gossip about the other one down hard.
By Oboogie
Samanfur wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:05 pm What's intriguing me is Neil also declaring that he's going after anyone who retweeted or repeated the allegation.

That's going to be quite a game of Whack-a-Mole.
Especially because I, like thousands of others, have learned about this spat because Andrew Neil himself retweeted and repeated the allegation. Neil vs Neil is going to put a strain on global supplies of popcorn.
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By Samanfur
I only saw him say he was going after her for an allegation. I didn't see that!

Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:58 pm Chris Evans who every year* had his Great Mate Harvey Weinstein on his show to talk Oscars? Who'd a thunk it?

*Until something happened.
I had no idea about that, but even the mention that Evans was about to appear on my telly would send me scrambling for the remote, so I have a limited idea of what he actually did.
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By Abernathy
Spoonman wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:34 pm Just seen what Arcuri posted that sent Neil to get the lawyers in and WOAH! :o

I’m no good at this. I’ve asked Professor Google, and he wasn’t really much help. Can you at least provide a link?
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By Andy McDandy
Much of what she said has been taken down, and retweeting what remains probably isn't wise. In short, she accused Neil of doing very unsavoury things in equally unsavoury company, related to an ongoing court case in New York.
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By Oboogie
Abernathy wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:36 pm
Spoonman wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:34 pm Just seen what Arcuri posted that sent Neil to get the lawyers in and WOAH! :o

I’m no good at this. I’ve asked Professor Google, and he wasn’t really much help. Can you at least provide a link?
I'm certainly not sharing a link which could possibly get this site (and me) into legal bother.
Her accusation is that Andrew Neil is a paedophile and sex trafficker. Her "proof" is that his name, along with hundreds of others, appears on the passenger lists of Epstein's plane.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I'm not actually sure it didn't say "Andrew Nell" on the thing she posted. Not that it would prove Mr Nell had done anything.

Having seen Arcuri here, I've concluded she's unlikely to be up to the task of bringing down the Prime Minister.
Last edited by Tubby Isaacs on Tue Dec 07, 2021 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Spoonman
Abernathy wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:36 pm
Spoonman wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 2:34 pm Just seen what Arcuri posted that sent Neil to get the lawyers in and WOAH! :o

I’m no good at this. I’ve asked Professor Google, and he wasn’t really much help. Can you at least provide a link?
It might be best if I direct you to this Guardian article.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
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By Cyclist
Brillo decides he's been out of the limelight long enough now

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