:sunglasses: 33.3 % :laughing: 66.7 %
By satnav
I'm sure that in the past Prince Andrew has boasted about sleeping with over 1000 women, a boast that could yet come back to haunt him because firstly it makes it look like he is some kind of sex addicted and secondly if he has slept with some many women can he honestly testify that all these women were above the age of consent?
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By Nigredo
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-famil ... e-andrews/

Just so I have it clear, the head of state is using taxpayer's money to defend their family member accused of sex crimes?

Banana republic would be a step up from banana constitutional monarchy.
By Oboogie
Oblomov wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:21 pm https://archive.ph/n82th

In which Nonce Andrew describes an underage victim of sexual abuse as a "slutty girl".
Looks like another case of the headline not matching the article.

The only quote I can find using that term is this one.

"The court papers quote Crystal Figueroa, the sister of one of Giuffre’s ex-boyfriends, who claims she was asked by Andrew’s accuser for help in recruiting minors: “She [Giuffre] would say to me, ‘Do you know any girls who are kind of slutty?’”

Have I missed something?
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... al-assault

Marina Hyde on the latest developments.
At first glance it might seem bizarre that the guy who inspired such outrage for completely failing to express sympathies for Epstein’s victims during his infamous Newsnight interview should be doubling down on that front. Indeed, that original glaring omission was followed by a friend of his materialising in the newspapers to insist that, while the prince didn’t regret the interview itself, “the fact he was unable to appropriately or sufficiently convey his sympathy for the victims of Epstein is of course a source of regret”.

Is it bollocks. There are two overriding impressions to be gleaned from this latest filing. One, that Prince Andrew has finally decided he’s in the dogfight of his life, and will now say absolutely anything to prevail in it. And two, that his total blindness to the silly little tragedies of Virginia Roberts Giuffre and all the silly little girls like her has lifted not one iota, despite everything that has happened. I don’t know about being biologically incapable of sweating, but on this evidence he certainly seems biologically incapable of having the first or faintest clue.
By davidjay
Andy McDandy wrote: Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:47 pm https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... al-assault

Marina Hyde on the latest developments.
At first glance it might seem bizarre that the guy who inspired such outrage for completely failing to express sympathies for Epstein’s victims during his infamous Newsnight interview should be doubling down on that front. Indeed, that original glaring omission was followed by a friend of his materialising in the newspapers to insist that, while the prince didn’t regret the interview itself, “the fact he was unable to appropriately or sufficiently convey his sympathy for the victims of Epstein is of course a source of regret”.

Is it bollocks. There are two overriding impressions to be gleaned from this latest filing. One, that Prince Andrew has finally decided he’s in the dogfight of his life, and will now say absolutely anything to prevail in it. And two, that his total blindness to the silly little tragedies of Virginia Roberts Giuffre and all the silly little girls like her has lifted not one iota, despite everything that has happened. I don’t know about being biologically incapable of sweating, but on this evidence he certainly seems biologically incapable of having the first or faintest clue.
Back on the old board we once debated Maureen Messent, late of the Birmingham Mail. Her attitude to this sort of thing was that men are just overgrown schoolboys who should have their little weaknesses overlooked and the silly little tarts deserve all they get. I don't suppose Brenda's opinion is far short of this.
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By Cyclist
Is the royal alleged nonce feeling a little bit uncomfortable, do we think?

A settlement agreement between convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and Virginia Giuffre, an alleged trafficking victim who has accused Prince Andrew of sexual abuse, is set to be made public.

Judges in the US ordered its release on Wednesday, finding no reason for it to remain secret.

The agreement bears directly on Ms Giuffre’s civil lawsuit against the Duke of York, in which she accuses him of sexual abuse on multiple occasions in London, Manhattan, and the US Virgin Islands in 2001...

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl ... 2.html?amp
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By Cyclist
It had to happen sooner or later

Prince Andrew may be forced to QUIT his nine military roles 'within weeks' as Grenadier Guards veteran calls for him to step down as regiment's Colonel after not attending any official functions since sex scandal broke

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... ndrew.html
The modern armed forces are a bit difficult to explain. While they're very much forward-looking, innovative, and fairly "woke", they're still also very much small c conservative and mired in tradition. Such things as sex scandals are a huge no-no and, when hint of such a thing arises "inside the wire", are dealt with quickly and pretty ruthlessly. While the army can never quite bring itself to criticise the monarchy, it was only a matter of time before such private thoughts made it into the public sphere.

The Duke of York has reportedly not been at a single military event since he stepped back from royal duties two years ago over allegations he had sex three times with one of Jeffrey Epstein's young 'slaves'.
Because the invitations stopped coming.

For the armed forces to practically sever their ties with a royally-appointed senior officer is unprecedented. For a member of a Guards regiment, even a retired one, to go on the record criticising the Colonel of the Regiment, even mildly, is a clear indication of the anger and frustration that is felt about this whole sordid business.

Whatever the outcome of the legal cases going on in America, his behaviour in this affair has done irreparable damage to his image, shown him to be a dishonourable cad, and has rendered Andrew unfit to play any sort of role in the armed forces.
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By Cyclist
Here's one who can't rely on the bank of mum and dad

Prince Andrew is reportedly trying to push through the sale of his £17 million Swiss ski chalet to help pay the mounting costs in his legal battle with Virginia Giuffre.

The Duke of York needs to ‘raise cash fast’ because his mother the Queen ‘would not assist’ him in paying the court bill or any potential settlement, a source told the Daily Mirror....

https://metro.co.uk/2022/01/07/prince-a ... 79606/amp/
Well boo fucking hoo
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By Dalem Lake
satnav wrote: Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:55 pm I would love to know now Andrew managed to afford a £16m Swiss chalet in the first place. Apart from the 10 years he spent flying a helicopter in the navy what other paid job has he actually had?
Wasn't he our trade envoy for a considerable period of time? Not sure if it was a "paid" position but I'm sure it opened a lot doors and introduced him to some interesting people.
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