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By kreuzberger
Following Olga Tuleninova on Twitter is one of the most emotionally and visually satisfying things known to wo(man).

On the strength of her postings from the Galerie Neue Meister in Dresden, we already have a weekend planned down there.

Monet, for example.

Then there's this. Beyond lovely but representative of these posts.

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By Cyclist
Why is the Mirror carrying this crap? Surely the Express would be a better receptacle for this, or, failing that, the bin.

'Camilla will never be my Queen - it is unjust and another betrayal of Diana'
The wicked stepmother has won, says Polly Hudson, who can't accept this treacherous ending to the Royal fairy tale ... 174908.amp
Is this supposed to be satire?

Because once upon a time, it would have been Diana. And it should have been Diana.

So this can only be seen as a betrayal, a travesty, literally the opposite of What She Would Have Wanted for the third person in her marriage.
Admittedly I’m the proud owner of a Princess Diana souvenir teapot – a gift from friends who know me well – but I don’t think it’s only her fans who feel this way. The idea of Camilla being Queen goes completely against our British sense of fair play, of what’s right.

Diana’s enduring power means that many of us feel loyal to her – despite probably never having met her – two-and-a-half decades after her death.
Oh fuck off, do.
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By Andy McDandy
I remember Hudson as a showbiz reporter who banged on about Sex and the City as if it were real, and the Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie love triangle as if it mattered a tinker's dam.
By Bones McCoy
Cyclist wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 6:21 pm Why is the Mirror carrying this crap? Surely the Express would be a better receptacle for this, or, failing that, the bin.

'Camilla will never be my Queen - it is unjust and another betrayal of Diana'
The wicked stepmother has won, says Polly Hudson, who can't accept this treacherous ending to the Royal fairy tale ... 174908.amp
Is this supposed to be satire?

Because once upon a time, it would have been Diana. And it should have been Diana.

So this can only be seen as a betrayal, a travesty, literally the opposite of What She Would Have Wanted for the third person in her marriage.
Admittedly I’m the proud owner of a Princess Diana souvenir teapot – a gift from friends who know me well – but I don’t think it’s only her fans who feel this way. The idea of Camilla being Queen goes completely against our British sense of fair play, of what’s right.

Diana’s enduring power means that many of us feel loyal to her – despite probably never having met her – two-and-a-half decades after her death.
Oh fuck off, do.
Better not tell her about Henry VIII
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By Cyclist
The right wing/ capitalist dilemma. When freeze peach meets market forces

Numbers of people visiting Spotify page to cancel membership soars by almost 200% in one week after music streaming service refused to cancel Joe Rogan ... -saga.html
Now, Spotify is big enough to be able to lose a few customers without suffering any ill effects, but it's got to hurt that people are cancelling their subscriptions and their image is being damaged by continuing to carry Rogan's bollocks.
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By Cyclist
Hold the front page!

Huge American military aircraft flies over East Midlands ... 746033.amp
A huge American military aircraft was seen flying over the region days after a plane set off from RAF Waddington to patrol the Ukrainian border.

What was this unusual behemoth?
The air traffic monitoring site FlightRadar24 shows that a Lockheed C130J Hercules went over the Woodhall Spa area, in Lincolnshire, at around 8am on Thursday (March 3).

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Malcolm Armsteen
You've gotta love Clive Myrie...

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