:sunglasses: 11.1 % :pray: 44.4 % :laughing: 22.2 % :cry: 22.2 %
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By Andy McDandy
To be fair, that goes back to 2010. Thirteen years in opposition had seen whatever remnants of the Major era* shuffle off or be Ken Clarke. Nonentities such as IDS were now senior elders. Aside from Clarke as token old guy, Cameron's cabinet was pretty fresh faced.

And oh how quickly it went! By May's time, there was Hammond (famous for going on Top Gear and arguing that the economy would improve massively by upping the national speed limit to 80mph, as everyone would be getting places faster). Hunt was a bit of wet lettuce, most famous for losing arguments to Stephen Hawking, pretending he hadn't, and hiding behind a bush. Big beast came to mean any MP with a waistline over 36 inches who you'd vaguely heard of.

The absence of talent was all too apparent by the time Johnson came in, but let's not forget it started much earlier. Partly the reason why they were always in attack mode - it distracted from the lack of actual work done.

*And even then, Brian Mawhinney, Jimmy Hanley, Iain Lang....
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By Arrowhead
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:24 pm Independent reporting Braverman is about to defect to Reform.

I know we vote for individuals, but defecting after 2 weeks would be quite something.
It’s a shame the Recall of MPs (Change of Party Affiliation) Bill failed back in 2020, which I believe would’ve forced a by-election within six months of all such instances.

(A huge irony of that Bill was that one of its co-signatories was a certain Christian Wakeford, the Bury South MP who barely a year later crossed the floor and joined the Labour benches.)
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By Spoonman
I'm not sure Farage will be completely comfortable allowing a somewhat loose canon in Braverman being allowed in his yard. First thing she'll definitely be told is not to upstage him in public.

Wouldn't be surprised if she sounded out a Tory party leadership, got word back that she's no chance and so decided to take her ball and go else where.
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By Abernathy
James O’Brien is off on his hols for the next fortnight, and believe it or not, one of the people covering for him on LBC next Tuesday - is Braverman !

I didn’t believe it at first, but there it is. Can’t decide whether I fancy listening or not.
By davidjay
Abernathy wrote: Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:23 pm James O’Brien is off on his hols for the next fortnight, and believe it or not, one of the people covering for him on LBC next Tuesday - is Braverman !

I didn’t believe it at first, but there it is. Can’t decide whether I fancy listening or not.
I predict a lot of switching off after ten minutes when the rubberneckers realise how bad she is. Not so bad she's good, pointless bad.
By soulboy
Three hours of live radio? Engaging with the general public, as well as the sort of person who picks up the phone to LBC? How difficult can that be?

I predict a textbook lesson in the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Try photocopying your way out of that one and sticking it on your CV.
Last edited by soulboy on Sat Jul 20, 2024 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Andy McDandy
Paul Ross, Richard Blackwood, Tony Slattery (back in the day...), the Hamiltons....no shortage of opportunities to go on TV and make an arse of yourself for coins.

Then again, wasn't that how Vivienne Rook got started in Years and Years? Fuck.
By satnav
If Braverman wants to become a broadcaster then she needs to resign her seat in parliament and then see how much she is actually rated by potential employers. GB News are already moaning that the Labour government is not in a rush to allow ministers to appear on the channel. A news channel that can't get government ministers on its shows is not going anywhere fast.

I wonder how long the money men will continue to keep bailing out right wing news outlets like GB News. Are these channels really going to hang on until the next election or will they cut there losses.
By Bones McCoy
satnav wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:48 am If Braverman wants to become a broadcaster then she needs to resign her seat in parliament and then see how much she is actually rated by potential employers. GB News are already moaning that the Labour government is not in a rush to allow ministers to appear on the channel. A news channel that can't get government ministers on its shows is not going anywhere fast.

I wonder how long the money men will continue to keep bailing out right wing news outlets like GB News. Are these channels really going to hang on until the next election or will they cut there losses.
Your last point depends entirely on who's handing money to the money men.
Whether they're businessmen with a sideline in neo-fascism, or middle men for Putin / Koch money.

Why would Ministers waste their time on a "News" (Not News) channel.
Another reason why political parties aren;t "all the same".

GB news sailed pretty close to the wind with Southport before sending Blondie out to explain that lobbing bricks at the fuzz was naughty.
It's a matter of time before they make another wrong call, serious shit follows and their "we didn't mean .." card won't wash.
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