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By Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2025 1:45 pm Aye, right you are Nigel. You prick.
I will wager ten of his majesty’s finest pounds that the outcome of this probe will be “the forrin’s* did it.”

*not forrins like Mr Musk, you understand. The other sort - those swarthy types, but you can’t say that these days can you? Well, unless you’re down the club with the old boys and all that.
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By Abernathy
Well, he just can’t do it, can he ? And of course, he knows that. It’s just another contemptible publicity grabbing stunt by this utterly venal wanker.

Proper, legally constituted public enquiries can require and/or compel witness testimonies, requisition evidence, hold judicial hearings, and so on.

A fucking sham of a DIY enquiry run by a bunch of populist racist chancers can’t do any of that.

He might succeed in gulling a few more racist simpletons into supporting his “party”, but that ‘s all he would achieve. But then again, that’s all he is interested in. He couldn’t give a flying fuck about victims of sexual abuse.
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By Andy McDandy
Just more "to my satisfaction" crap.

You could run the best and most thorough fucking enquiry with the best judges and everyone hauled in and he wouldn't be satisfied. Partly because he doesn't give a shit. He wants people ready to kick off, and British Muslims to be defensive, frightened, and paranoid. He wants the main body public to be indifferent to a Muslim getting their head kicked in.

Quite why this is so fucking obvious and nobody just calls him out, I don't know.
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By Abernathy
Tangential stuff, here, but we went to see Stewart Lee do his new standup show on Sunday night (it was brilliant). You know how it’s often hard to recall some of the stuff in these comedy shows, but this on the human fascist frog comes back to mind :

“He (Farage) looks like he puts on string-backed driving gloves before masturbating”.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Actual leader of the party ahead in the polls with yougov.
The leader of Reform UK has compared the cancellation of local elections in England to the situation in Ukraine in an attempt to explain why Donald Trump has labelled Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy a “dictator”.

Having said that Trump’s wods should be taken “seriously” but not “literally”, Nigel Farage said “Let’s be clear, Zelensky is not a dictator, but, but it’s only right and proper that Ukrainians have a timeline for elections.”

Speaking to GB News from Washington, the MP for Clacton then continued:

I mean, after all, I recently said that I thought Keir Starmer was behaving like a dictator because he’s cancelled the vote of five-and-a-half million people in local elections on 1 May. So no, he’s not a dictator, but there needs to be a timeline so that the Ukrainian people can vote on a peace deal.
By RedSparrows
'Serious not literally' is the classic contortionist response to a man who lies as easily as we breathe. As you observe, Tubby, what else is he saying? What mysterious hinterlands of logic is he deftly revealing to a world that, 'til now, was crying out for such a sage?!

He's a fuckwit spouting fuckwitted ideas and so I'll take him as an absolute fuckwit, thanks, Nige, you fucking chancer who I'll take as an absolute fucking chancer.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I remember seeing somebody on Fox News ages ago talking up Trump's "instincts", which was an interesting way of saying "I think he talks absolute shit and ignore it". That Farage and Bozo are still going with "he's playing 4 dimensional chess" is incredible.

Even Badenoch seems to have given it up, even if she thinks it's more important to attack Starmer taking the knee nearly 5 years ago.
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By Andy McDandy
Whatever the case, the leader of one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, countries on Earth should not be running their government and foreign diplomacy at the highest level for the highest of stakes, by shitpost.

Call me old fashioned.
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