:sunglasses: 30 % :pray: 5 % :laughing: 40 % :cry: 15 % :🤗 10 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Viewed objectively she makes no less sense than Reesmug, Francewanker or Sunpat.
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By The Weeping Angel

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/ ... k-31959924
Nadine Dorries’s Friday night talk show has been axed after less than a year on air.

The former Tory Cabinet minister’s weekly programme will not be returning to screens, after being absent from the schedules since before Christmas. Ms Dorries is in discussions with the struggling television channel about whether she will continue to have a role.
By Oboogie
Bones McCoy wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 12:19 am A conspiracy laden rant about "how the party's gone to the dogs since the death of the great leader".

Keep watching, she goes off on one about gold wallpaper that wasn't.
Now denying that Boris lied, or partied.
Just listening to that now, I'd actually forgotten just how unhinged Mad Nads really is. Window lickin' stuff. And SO inarticulate - her books must be word salad!
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:44 am Funny how she knew all this was going down months in advance and told nobody. She and Cummings ought to collaborate on a blog or something.
They won't be able to.

Like postwar nazi generals writing their memoirs.
It's all to show "me" in a good light.
I did all the good stuff and knew nothing about the unpleasant stuff.

The surviving nazis hated each other, so will the flotsam of the Brexit project.
Youngian liked this
By Bones McCoy
Youngian wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:28 pm
The surviving nazis hated each other, so will the flotsam of the Brexit project.

I’m sure Cameron could have persuaded Sunak bunking off early from the D Day commemoration was political suicide. But scores to settle from 2016.
That's OK Rishi, you knock off, get home and see the kids.
I'll hold the fort.

What a pity.
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By Abernathy
From my Facebook feed :
From a woman who gave an interview in the parliament lobby while visibly drunk out of her skull
Who boycotted parliament and constituency surgeries for six months on a full salary, because she didn’t get a peerage.
And the same woman who appeared on a TV gameshow to eat Kangaroo balls while parliament was in session…
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By Andy McDandy
I read it. It's the usual stick a price on everything to imply she's laughing and rubbing the noses of the destitute in shit, no real argument, just how dare she look like she's having a good time.
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