:sunglasses: 9.1 % :laughing: 72.7 % 🧥 9.1 % :🤗 9.1 %
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By Andy McDandy
I think it was Mark Steel who had a story about trying to arrange an appearance at either the Oxford Union or some private school. He gets called by the student organising it and they basically start by going "you will arrive at time X, you will have Y minutes to speak, you will finish by time Z". So, he says that that's great but obviously there are loads of variables and he can't say for sure what will happen on the night. The student pauses, before repeating slightly louder and slower, "you will arrive at time X, you will have Y minutes to speak, you will finish by time Z".

I'm also reminded of someone I once made the mistake of debating online (Facebook). They were doing the standard "unemployed people can afford mobile phones" routine, while claiming that they, from a well off and nice home counties family, couldn't. Anyway, they were getting schooled as people pointed out that a mobile is getting to be an essential of life, particularly if you're looking for work, and that thanks to the range of contracts available, quite affordable (so really their anger is more about considering themselves superior to an unemployed person, and being angry that they've missed a deal that an inferior spotted). Their response? "Yeah, I take that on board, but what I don't understand is when you see these dole people with their phones claiming they're skint...". Could well have been her.
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By Spoonman
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:28 pm I'm also reminded of someone I once made the mistake of debating online (Facebook). They were doing the standard "unemployed people can afford mobile phones" routine, while claiming that they, from a well off and nice home counties family, couldn't. Anyway, they were getting schooled as people pointed out that a mobile is getting to be an essential of life, particularly if you're looking for work, and that thanks to the range of contracts available, quite affordable (so really their anger is more about considering themselves superior to an unemployed person, and being angry that they've missed a deal that an inferior spotted). Their response? "Yeah, I take that on board, but what I don't understand is when you see these dole people with their phones claiming they're skint...". Could well have been her.
Going off on a slight tangent here, but there's some pretty cheap deals on mobile use these days especially if you're happy enough to go with a virtual operator - if all you do is talk & text and do it often then, for example, 1p mobile (running on EE) will give you an unlimited bundle for £3 a month (or £36 a year with an additional 100MB of data a month), while Asda mobile (running on Vodafone) offer the same for £4 a month. If you're looking some mobile data to use alongside calling/texting, the likes of Lebara (VF), Smarty (3), iD (3), Plusnet (EE) etc. all offer a usable amount of data (at least 2GB a month) along with unlimited calls & texts starting from a fiver a month on 30 day rolling contracts if you go though some price comparison websites like uSwitch. Even Vodafone & O2 are getting in on the act, a Vodafone Basics £6/month sim has 4GB of data while O2's current offer for the same price is giving 5GB - the catch? Both are 12 month contracts (still better than 24 months) and Vodafone's Basic plan doesn't have roaming* while O2 still has, for now, included EU roaming.

And once again, for those on an eligible benefit looking to save a bit on home broadband and/or landline phone, BT has their "Essentials" package... https://www.bt.com/exp/broadband/home-essentials

* Though they are planning to introduce it next month for free in the ROI & IoM, with passes available for roaming elsewhere e.g. £2 per day in the EU.
By Bones McCoy
Spoonman wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:05 pm
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:28 pm I'm also reminded of someone I once made the mistake of debating online (Facebook). They were doing the standard "unemployed people can afford mobile phones" routine, while claiming that they, from a well off and nice home counties family, couldn't. Anyway, they were getting schooled as people pointed out that a mobile is getting to be an essential of life, particularly if you're looking for work, and that thanks to the range of contracts available, quite affordable (so really their anger is more about considering themselves superior to an unemployed person, and being angry that they've missed a deal that an inferior spotted). Their response? "Yeah, I take that on board, but what I don't understand is when you see these dole people with their phones claiming they're skint...". Could well have been her.
Going off on a slight tangent here, but there's some pretty cheap deals on mobile use these days especially if you're happy enough to go with a virtual operator - if all you do is talk & text and do it often then, for example, 1p mobile (running on EE) will give you an unlimited bundle for £3 a month (or £36 a year with an additional 100MB of data a month), while Asda mobile (running on Vodafone) offer the same for £4 a month. If you're looking some mobile data to use alongside calling/texting, the likes of Lebara (VF), Smarty (3), iD (3), Plusnet (EE) etc. all offer a usable amount of data (at least 2GB a month) along with unlimited calls & texts starting from a fiver a month on 30 day rolling contracts if you go though some price comparison websites like uSwitch. Even Vodafone & O2 are getting in on the act, a Vodafone Basics £6/month sim has 4GB of data while O2's current offer for the same price is giving 5GB - the catch? Both are 12 month contracts (still better than 24 months) and Vodafone's Basic plan doesn't have roaming* while O2 still has, for now, included EU roaming.

And once again, for those on an eligible benefit looking to save a bit on home broadband and/or landline phone, BT has their "Essentials" package... https://www.bt.com/exp/broadband/home-essentials

* Though they are planning to introduce it next month for free in the ROI & IoM, with passes available for roaming elsewhere e.g. £2 per day in the EU.
It's an excellent point.
Like "Plasma Tellys" this meme was designed to tweak the anger of Express and Sun reading pensioners, whose potential for manipulated rage far exceeds their understanding of modern gadgets.

Mobile Phones, Plasma Tellys, Windfarms and Social Media ....
I don't know what they are, but I know I don't like 'em!
Spoonman, Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
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By Crabcakes
I’ve always assumed the mobile phones/plasma tvs/fags stuff is never about what the cost of the perceived luxury is, or any real appraisal of whether it’s a luxury or a necessity or simply “what that is now” in the case of flatscreen tvs. It’s more about that person having *something*, and the complainer feeling that if they’re poor or in benefits they should have nothing other than the absolute bare essentials of 4 walls, and when they’re not working they should sit on the floor eating cold9p beans from a tin in silence in the dark and be fucking grateful for it.
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By Cyclist
Everyone's favourite rabble-rousing shit-stirrer is in the news again...

Tommy Robinson has failed to appear at the High Court for questioning over his finances after losing a libel case brought against him by a teenager.

The English Defence League founder, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was due to appear on Tuesday in connection with unpaid legal bills...

...Speaking on Tuesday, Judge John Dagnall found Robinson knew "perfectly well" that he was due to attend court and had emailed the court asking for his hearing to be adjourned.

"It seems to me at first sight a classic situation where he has decided not to attend," he said.

Judge Dagnall said that "all I can do" is refer Robinson's non-attendance to a High Court judge, adding: "They may, if he or she chooses to do so, hold Mr Yaxley-Lennon in contempt."...

Poor old Tommy. Why do these thing keep happening to him?*

*Rhetorical question - It's because he's a stupid cunt, natch.
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By Andy McDandy
Apparently he wrote in one of his books that he was deliberately putting his assets into his wife's name. Was quite gloating by all accounts. Needless to say, this has been brought to the judge's attention.

Best not play him at Cluedo, ol' "prints on the gun" Robinson there.
Last edited by Andy McDandy on Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Boiler
Oboogie wrote: Wed Mar 23, 2022 1:40 pm Ah, I know the real reason for this and I'm very grateful to Mr. We Are The 17.4 Million for taking the time to clarify it for me.
If it was written in something approximating English it'd be helpful. Or is it porcine fingers stabbing the screen in Spoons?
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By Cyclist
It's Tommy again!

The far-right activist Tommy Robinson has said he has been detained in Mexico while attempting to visit the country on holiday, despite repeated claims of bankruptcy.

The English Defence League founder, whose real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, shared a video on Saturday saying that he had been detained in Cancún airport upon arrival with his children...

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/202 ... an-airport
I’m being deported as a matter of national security,” Robinson says in the video, in which he questions the decision to detain him, claiming to have done nothing but “criticise Islam”. Robinson has been convicted in the UK for fraud, stalking, assault, using someone else’s passport, using threatening behaviour, and contempt of court.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Boiler
Oboogie wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:37 pm Frustratingly that article doesn't state the real reason the Mexicans have detained him, does anybody know?
It may simply be that he's barred from entering the USA so he could be on a shared watchlist with the US?

https://www.thenational.scot/news/20040 ... ed-mexico/

https://zelo-street.blogspot.com/2022/0 ... orted.html
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