:sunglasses: 41.7 % :pray: 16.7 % :laughing: 16.7 % :cry: 8.3 % :poo: 16.7 %
I meant if you prosecute the right for hate speech then you do the same for the left.

He also had a Palestine rant.
Oboogie liked this
By Oboogie
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:54 pm I meant if you prosecute the right for hate speech then you do the same for the left.
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:54 pm He also had a Palestine rant.
I've not seen the Palestine rant (not sure what that has to do with the far-right attacking Muslims in the UK?) but the clip I've seen is clearly edited from a longer rant.
His Palestinian rant seemed to identify which sector of the Labour party he identified with.
Only one side of the story…
The Weeping Angel liked this
Hendy is a serious heavyweight, ex-TFL commissioner and ex-Network Rail chair. People like that can get high on their own supply, but I'd be surprised if he left his dabs all over it. On the other hand, Dennis probably hasn't gone public lightly.
The Weeping Angel liked this
As noted, this story seems to have originated with the Daily Mail, and so I sincerely hope they’ve put some kind of incredibly misleading spin on it all. Because if she actually said the things she’s reported to have said then that is both catastrophically stupid and a bespoke target planted on the back of any brown-skinned doctor working at the hospital in question.

If you sincerely believe that you’ve received preferential treatment based on your status as an MP and a specific item on your voting record - in accident and emergency no less - from one of what is apparently Birmingham’s small army of Palestinian doctors then that’s actually quite a serious thing and should be reported to the hospital. It is not something you should randomly blurt out in public, not least because the right wing press and social media will be attempting to hunt down the doctor who supposedly loves you so much that they let you skip the queue and introduce them to a world of hurt.
By satnav
I've been to A&E a couple of times recently and on both occasions I was first assessed by a triage nurse before waiting to see another medical practitioner who carried out further tests and scans before putting all the information into a file which was then picked up by a doctor as soon as one became free. So if other hospitals use similar systems it is hard to see how a doctor is really in a position determine who they will give preferential treatment to.
Oboogie liked this
Who is proposing this?
Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP
I'm unable to attend today's vote on winter fuel payment cuts, but I’d like to place my opposition on record.

The Tories left the country in a dire economic state.

But it is wrong to place the burden on the most vulnerable, who have suffered so much over the last 14 years.
1. Not all pensioners need the money, so it's a justifiable case for means testing.
2. Those in need can be helped, and there is a major drive on to get qualifying pensioners to apply.
3. The Triple Lock means that the pension increase next year will more than cover it.
Oboogie, mattomac liked this
I'd go further.
Targeted support is the best use of money.
Many pensioners who are entitled to support have not claimed it (it was a 'hidden benefit' under the Tories).
Ensuring that all who are entitled get the benefit is an egalitarian and socialist move.
That is better than a blanket payment (which was only ever a bribe anyway, hence the lack of means testing).
Oboogie liked this
Increasing means testing causes resentment and disengagement from the state among those who have saved and paid lots of tax throughout their lives. 'Why do the layabout families get all that stuff when I don't?' So in come the Tories to right these perceived injustices by slashing payments to the most vulnerable. Universality does have to be paid for by higher taxes which the same people will moan about that so you can't win.
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