:sunglasses: 100 %
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By Crabcakes
Oh look. The prestigious NEJM has found a whole host of problems with the Cass review. Including, but not limited to, deviation from standards, calling for standards not required to be met elsewhere in U.K. medicine or for other populations, deviation from standard scientific process, lack of transparency, evidence of antitransgender bias in review and invitation to comment, and potential misrepresentation of data and findings.


https://bsky.app/profile/jolyonmaugham. ... 6jktutak27
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I thought someone was making a joke.
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By Crabcakes
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Feb 01, 2025 2:02 pm Graham Linehan is now regretting that he hated Trump and believed "the lies" about him.
Christ alive. This isn’t a fall from grace - it’s dropping out of orbit straight into the Mariana Trench, hitting the bottom and immediately starting to dig.
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By Andy McDandy
I'd say it was more like dropping from outer space into the sea, and aiming for the Titanic. It'll support you for a bit, but it's ultimately doomed. Just keeps you afloat a little longer.
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By Andy McDandy
He's scrabbling for relevance. Latest effort is to be a Trump cheerleader. Might not make money off it, but it's something to do. Maybe get a scriptwriting gig off Mel Gibson and co.
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By Samanfur
Or see if he can go on an I HAVE BEEN SILENCED BY THE TRANS WOKERATI arena tour of all 50 states, complete with accompanying promotional interviews, blog, book and DVD, and social media advertising and news coverage.
Andy McDandy, Youngian liked this
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By kreuzberger
It's clear that these femme-fash, feminist-identifying women are passionate about their own rights. Those of others, not so much.

While gasping for breath about their right to wood-burning stoves and something about chicks with dicks, they will martyr themselves for their right to block the school gates with their SUVs and babble some faux enthusiasm about Wimbledon. In fairness, they don't have much else to look forward to.
Samanfur liked this
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