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By Malcolm Armsteen
Bones McCoy wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 3:15 pm

"Barred from standing as a Lib Dem MP"
Not selected to stand as a LIb Dem MP.

By Oboogie
Bones McCoy wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2025 3:15 pm If true, and "barred from standing as an MP" suggests we aren't getting the whole story.
I certainly don't know the whole story, however I note that the court, who have heard the whole story, found in favour of the former candidate. I wonder what the LibDems did wrong? We need a better source.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Cuddly old trains guy, Christian Wolmar, wades in with a "trans activists are like paedophile campaigners".

https://www.christianwolmar.co.uk/2025/ ... spectable/

The "all too obvious parallels" are that some psychologists support trans rights as opposed by Wolmar and that the public don't support some of the positions. Wolmar's position is that a trans woman who hasn't had drugs or surgery is a man. You can oppose self-id and still disagree with that.
By satnav
With the Lib Dem story it would appear that the candidate had been seeking £90,000 in damages and the Lib Dems offered her £40,000 to settle out of court an offer she declined. This would suggest that she either got very poor legal advice or that she is very stubborn. She may have pocketed £14,000 but I suspect that she has not done herself any favour when she applies for jobs in the future or seeks to return to politics.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
3. We need to do something about toxic masculinity amongst young men.
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By Crabcakes
The Weeping Angel wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:53 pm Two things can be true.

1. Stabbing someone is bad.

2. So is tricking someone into having sex with you.
1. Stabbing someone 9 times while a mob is still kicking and punching her is not “bad”, it is *horrifying*
2. The lad who kissed her and got her to give him a blow job didn’t seem to care at the time, did he? Because he could have at any point said “no thanks” if it bothered him. And if you’re the (trans) girl in that sort of scenario at his house, maybe, just maybe you might not want to say “yeah, actually I’m trans” because you’re already worried a kicking might be coming your way if you do, even if nothing has happened.

I would tread very carefully here, because both-siding this - or appearing to from the way you’ve phrased it - is skating remarkably close to saying she deserved this. Which is sickening to watch.

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/t ... 05333.html
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By Crabcakes
The Weeping Angel wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:35 pm No it isn't don't put words in my mouth.
That’s your opinion. I’ve said precisely what I mean. Anything you choose to take away extra to that is up to you.

I don’t think you did mean she deserved it, for what it’s worth. But I also think someone could easily use very similar language to imply exactly such a thing. Hence my post.
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