:sunglasses: 25 % :laughing: 50 % :cry: 25 %
By RedSparrows
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 2:02 pm Or co-opted in that "Jo Cox stood for freedom of speech so any attempt to criticise my fascist burblings is wrong". MLK said he wanted people to be judged equally, so when you tell me my harmless cross burning is in some way offensive, that's just as bad as racism and that's literally how Hitler started.
Aye that too, which is even more grotesque.
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By Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:41 pm Having a gander on the tellybox. Melania Trump seems to be doing a quite uncanny impersonation of Clint Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars.
The hat seems to have one purpose and one purpose only - he can’t get close enough to kiss her.

She must *loathe* him 😁
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By Abernathy
It’s heavy on the god-bothering, as you’d expect. It’s actually painful to watch. It’s a right fucking pantomime, and frankly, an obscene travesty.

And the orange cunt has only just begun to speak.
By RedSparrows
The tech 'leaders' are interesting. Front row seats etc.

Curious how such powerful men are so utterly weak. This is surely a near-perfect articulation not of the possible flourishing of human potential, but the parodic parasitsim of capitalism. A bunch of 'leaders' in thrall to an abject con man, cos... uh... money. And then abject con man becomes King.

The system works, in its own terms...
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By Abernathy
Fuck a Duck. He has just pledged to “take back” the Panama Canal, re-name the Gulf of Mexico, and plant the stars n’ stripes on the planet Mars.

That ‘s after he ushers in the greatest era of prosperity that anbody has ever seen anywhere. And abolishes “woke” whatever it is.

Oh, and completely regenerate the great American auto industry (no luck, Elon) so that Murrikans can buy whatever car they choose. And “drill, baby, drill”.

I’m just off to vomit until I’m limp.
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By Crabcakes
What he has done, which is shit, is pull out of the Paris accords. Again.

Thing is, the world has moved on and climate/extreme weather events are becoming more common. Pivoting back to cheap gasoline to keep the rednecks happy isn’t going to sell Teslas and is going to give the rest of the world a big head start on renewables.

With his alleged tariffs, he might find this time that he simply propels the US into second place in many industries.
By Bones McCoy
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:41 pm Having a gander on the tellybox. Melania Trump seems to be doing a quite uncanny impersonation of Clint Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars.
Is the Vaquerro Hat a nod to Mexico - one Immigrant to many.

Was anybody sporting a white Capirote?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capirote# ... lic_Church
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By Abernathy
The Weeping Angel wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:10 pm They weren't the issues were Biden's age, dems in disarray, Tim Walz lying about going to China, Harris's laugh, Hunter Biden, egg prices, border crisis and Biden's age.
???? Answers on a postcard.
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By kreuzberger
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 4:41 pm Having a gander on the tellybox. Melania Trump seems to be doing a quite uncanny impersonation of Clint Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars.
I thought that she looked great, even if that is no stunning achievement when you have unlimited wealth and courtiers, and are an A-list clothes horse.

Full disclosure: I am rather partial to a Sevilla myself.
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By The Weeping Angel
Abernathy wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:21 pm
The Weeping Angel wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 8:10 pm They weren't the issues were Biden's age, dems in disarray, Tim Walz lying about going to China, Harris's laugh, Hunter Biden, egg prices, border crisis and Biden's age.
???? Answers on a postcard.
It's my tongue in cheek summing of how the issues that were covered by the American media. Retaking the Panama canal didn't come up. Biden's age was however considered of the upmost importance. Trump's age wasn't though.
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