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By Andy McDandy
Anyone point out that the parents are already paying twice over for Tory education policy - through taxes and through fees. Because of course the little darlings would be going to the comp if it wasn't for the low standards and rough kids.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Anyone who can pen the line 'this was in the days before one-way glass' has no credibility...
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By The Weeping Angel
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:56 pm Paywalled but great headline.

BBC in "basing drama not entirely on real life events" shock. ... rinks-mat/
Every lie told by the BBC’s The Gold
Did they follow this up with "every lie told by Shakespeare's Macbeth"?
The actual article isn't that bad, just a general pointer about what that series got wrong and right and they've done other articles about other non BBC dramas.
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By Youngian
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:56 pm Paywalled but great headline.

BBC in "basing drama not entirely on real life events" shock. ... rinks-mat/
Every lie told by the BBC’s The Gold
Did they follow this up with "every lie told by Shakespeare's Macbeth"?
I’m blocked by paywall, what does the article say about the money launderer? He was a made up character in the series but did the real person have his collar felt?
By Rosvanian
You've got to laugh: ... dApp_Other

I don't recall much concern when my local water company, Northumbrian Water, was bought by a Chinese company back in 2011. Or any other national infrastructure sale to foreign ownership, for that matter.
By Youngian
“The Telegraph and the Spectator are great British institutions. They should not be controlled by a foreign power,” he wrote. Moore added that the deal would in effect give control to Abu Dhabi’s ruling family, which is very different from the simple sale of a commercial asset to an individual owner.

Will the staff be called to prayer facing Mecca?
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By Spoonman
I might take the pleas about the Telegraph media outlets not to be sold to non-British interests more seriously if they hadn't spent the last 40+ years cheerleading for the foreign ownership of important British infrastructural & cultural bedrocks under the guise of turbo-charged free-market fetishism in order to profit quite handsomely from it.

If it's good enough for the proles, it's good enough for you. :geek:
Bones McCoy, Watchman, Dalem Lake and 2 others liked this
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