:laughing: 100 %
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By safe_timber_man
How I was groped at Number 10 too: SARAH VINE reveals Harry Enfield 'jiggled' her breasts in full view of guests at drinks party - then did a sketch on TV about it

It was quite a while ago now but I'm almost certain I remember that during the 'Me Too' movement Vine wrote at least one, almost gleeful, article about how this sort of thing was just something that happened 'back in the day', very much 'boys will be boys' and you just laughed and got on with it and not start complaining about it decades later.
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By safe_timber_man
SARAH VINE: I understand why the woman whose husband slashed her wrists forgives him – lockdown had driven him to desperation
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/ ... s-him.html

To be honest I haven't even read it. I don't tend to bother with this shit anymore. I just found it amusing that you can guarantee, no matter what, Vine will jump to the defense of men to make sure there is no doubt in anyone's mind she doesn't agree with feminism, me too, or if her previous columns in anything to go by, punishing sexual assault.

Plus it's a good chance to criticise the Covid Lockdown, of course.
By MisterMuncher
Yesterday, a man up Derry direction got a life sentence, with a minimum tariff of 18 years, because under financial stress and mental pressure*, he waited until his wife had got in her car and fastened her seatbelt before opening the passenger door, dousing her in petrol and burning her to death.

The major and substantive difference in Vine's cited car is that the woman survived. This time.

*Read as: she'd finally had enough of his shit and was going to leave him, and he didn't fancy "his" farm getting divvied up as a result.
By Snowdrop
But the opening scene, in which a group of little girls smash their boring ‘old‑fashioned’ dolls’ heads in, with alarming violence, at the appearance of their Barbie messiah, is actually quite sinister.
Never seen 2001, A Space Odyssey, then, Sarah?

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/a ... ed-it.html
By Youngian
safe_timber_man wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:33 am SARAH VINE: I understand why the woman whose husband slashed her wrists forgives him – lockdown had driven him to desperation
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/ ... s-him.html

To be honest I haven't even read it. I don't tend to bother with this shit anymore. I just found it amusing that you can guarantee, no matter what, Vine will jump to the defense of men to make sure there is no doubt in anyone's mind she doesn't agree with feminism, me too, or if her previous columns in anything to go by, punishing sexual assault.

Plus it's a good chance to criticise the Covid Lockdown, of course.
Found Vine’s take on depression among pensioners sympathetic and informative.
People often assume that once someone gets to the age of 69, life is just a gentle round of gardening, playing with the grandkids, the occasional trip to the seaside and gin-and-tonics in the garden at 6pm. But for many retirement-age people, that is sadly not the case.

Geriatric poverty is on the increase, as is depression among the over-50s. Before the pandemic, Britain already had Europe's highest rate of poverty among pensioners: five times greater than it did in the 1980s. Since Covid, that figure has worsened still.

For every comfortable middle-class professional who loved lockdown, wafting around their nice open-plan kitchens baking soda bread, there were plenty for whom it was a financial and emotional disaster.

Not just vulnerable children, deprived of school and socialisation; not just people in care homes, separated from their families; not just the bereaved, the lonely, those trapped in abusive relationships. But also countless ordinary working people whose jobs and livelihoods were hammered by the restrictions.

Mr and Mrs Sawyer are a case in point. The court heard that they 'had debt coming out of their ears'. He had lost his job as an electrical-sales consultant after being furloughed; she had lost the hair salon she ran after it was forced to close.

Despite Mr Sawyer having found work as a delivery driver, they couldn't afford their £800-a-month interest-only mortgage. They also had credit card debts of £25,000.
By Bones McCoy
Snowdrop wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 3:30 pm
But the opening scene, in which a group of little girls smash their boring ‘old‑fashioned’ dolls’ heads in, with alarming violence, at the appearance of their Barbie messiah, is actually quite sinister.
Never seen 2001, A Space Odyssey, then, Sarah?

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/a ... ed-it.html
I was about to mention controversial anime Goblin Slayer*.
But I fear it might remind Vine of her former husband.


* It has a controversial opening episode m'lud.
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By Abernathy
I read Vine today with my jaw increasingly dropping to the floor. I can't quite make my mind up about it. Is it just the most gob-smacking example of a total lack of self-awareness since Marie Antoinette? A score-settling attempt (though marginally less subtle than that of Dorries) to undermine Rishi Sunak? Or perhaps a disguised plea for reconcilication with her haddock-faced former husband.? Maybe it's a genuine Damascene conversion - a realisation at last that nearly 14 years of Tory government, preceded by 11 years of Thatcherism and 7 of John Major) have actually fucked this country up almost beyond recognition - though she does, typically, take a couple of party-political pot-shots at Sadiq Khan and those pesky trades unionists.

Or maybe it's just the usual pile of old shite.

SARAH VINE: Basket case Britain is starting to feel like a Third World country

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... uhVXRWxYxE
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailym ... stine.html

No Sarah, you can't have it both ways. You can't go around asking why everyone can't just get along. You're part of the fucking problem.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... s-war.html

Sarah's got it all figured - get the kids off their phones and reading a book. Then we won't have any nasty demos.

TBH she could have cribbed this from a 55 year old op-ed about Vietnam. Just swap television for phones.
By Youngian
But all those planning to disrupt Armistice Day on Saturday by mounting pro-Palestinian marches against Israel — marches that will inevitably turn a solemn anniversary into a day of rage.

It's clear that none of these idiots has the slightest clue what Remembrance Day means or stands for.

The armistice observance lasts two minutes commencing three hours before this march departs in the opposite direction to Cenotaph. But crowbar in Remembrance Sunday which Vine can’t make up her mind if the kids are indifferent to, ignorant of or showing contempt. The idea that the marchers have no intention of encroaching on the feelings of those marking the WWI armistice is what’s really riling the gammon Poppy cultists shouting in an empty room.
Oboogie liked this
By MisterMuncher
I mean if a match against a war is incredibly disrespectful of those who died, what the fuck is the actual war?
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