- Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:03 am
That report is bollocks. Written by TWO 'content creators' it obfuscates several key points by using the testimony of 'Joseph' with no critical analysis of what he is saying, or apparently asking any questions of the head - who seems to be a decent sort.
'Joseph' is allowed to completely ignore the fact that Maths classes are setted by ability/performance and work and 'pass marks' are set accordingly. He is allowed to state that it was the low mark alone which led to the detention, when the school said that the homework was not satisfactorily completed. He is allowed to ignore the school's arrangements to help pupils who find the work difficult (homework clubs every day and available teacher support).
The word 'detention' is used freely (on 'Joseph's say-so) but what sort of detention is not defined. It is not uncommon to have mandatory remedial sessions in some subjects, often STEM, and if that is the case here it would put a rather different complexion on things.
There's another way of putting this:
"We will teach you, and then we will give you a number of opportunities to consolidate or build your understanding. f you don't get it, ask, and if you don't understand the homework come to the homework club where a teacher or possibly a librarian will be available to help you. Then we will mark your homework according to criteria that are suitable for your ability range. If you don't meet the criteria we will keep you behind to try to make up the standard or change your behaviour so that you work more effectively."
(And don't leave your homework to the night before so that you have to rely on your Mum - who doesn't know what you are doing - to help. Your dad appears to have fucked off.)
Josephsson's homework was sub-par, and the fact his mother struggled with it is really neither here nor there, he didn't complete it to the required standard. Most schools give some sort of sanction for that...
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