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By Boiler
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:27 pm Leveson 2 is still policy, I think.

Would be surprised if they spent much time on newspaper ownership. Very different world to when the Sun was selling all those copies. Facebook is much more important and I've no idea what you do about the bollocks on there.
I was more thinking TalkTV and GBNews, but put it this way: you wouldn't be allowed to do this in the US.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Gove actually isn't lying on this occasion. Good thread on it here. I'm sure rivers should be better than they are, and some people in the water industry have aburdly overpaid themselves (windfall tax due?) but far more of this stuff is measured than it used to be (after a private members bill by Richard Benyon, I think). But the key point is there are trade offs with building houses.

I'm worried that organisations like the RSPB, just like some of the wildlife trusts did with HS2, are going to make themselves into an extension of the nimby houseprice movement.

By Youngian
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:18 pm Gove actually isn't lying on this occasion. Good thread on it here. I'm sure rivers should be better than they are, and some people in the water industry have aburdly overpaid themselves (windfall tax due?) but far more of this stuff is measured than it used to be (after a private members bill by Richard Benyon, I think). But the key point is there are trade offs with building houses.

I'm worried that organisations like the RSPB, just like some of the wildlife trusts did with HS2, are going to make themselves into an extension of the nimby houseprice movement.

There’s much bigger river polluters so let’s let the smaller ones off, appears to be this hobby contrarian’s argument. Or is it that tax payer should subsidise property developers for their environmental messes as they’re not getting rich enough?
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By Tubby Isaacs
Youngian wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:04 am
There’s much bigger river polluters so let’s let the smaller ones off, appears to be this hobby contrarian’s argument. Or is it that tax payer should subsidise property developers for their environmental messes as they’re not getting rich enough?
Fair point that you'd expect "polluter pays" to apply, but equally governments often do this sort of thing with an area they want to encourage if they think that the extra activity will lead to more revenues. Labour probably won't repeal because they want to build even more than the Tories.

I used to know that poster from another board- where you won't be surprised to hear he wasn't popular- but I found him worth talking to, and rarely wrong on facts. He did seemed to know a bit about housing too, and saw it as the thing Labour should have long been leading on its manifestos. I'm sure he'd be in favour of doing things about the much bigger polluters, which you can't say the same for the Tories.
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By Andy McDandy
He sees himself as the eminence grise (or just plain greasy). Whatever the GE results, it's likely he will survive (if he's standing). Becomes most senior adult in the room almost by default.
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By Tubby Isaacs
It would pass with votes from other parties, so as Jim Pickard says, it's probably been shelved to avoid a public split.

This might be a tactical error. I don't think the public cares about rebellions by backbenchers they've never heard of, but they do care about the government putting party management over doing good stuff. Starmer hammered them for this with housebuilding targets, and here's another opportunity. Particularly if the government doesn't seem to be doing very much else with its time.
By Youngian
Laura K guest Nadine Dorries talking good sense (not a joke) about what an opportunist tosser Gove is. Turns up at Victoria station yesterday to inflame intentions and waste police time.
Mail photographer on hand, what are the chances?
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By Abernathy
Andy McDandy wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:05 am He qualifies for a ministerial car.

That doesn't mean he can't or doesn't get a train now and again.

FUCK - stop making me stick up for Michael Gove, you cunts.
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