- Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:26 pm
He raises some fair points but you do have to wonder whether he'd have done so if her post-conviction photo was more like Maxine Carr.
Sir Keir, whose hard-Left political roots are in a revolutionary movement called Pabloism, comes from the same stable as the 1997 Blairites. He will try to manipulate the voters with populist slogans, but his real programme will be miles to the Left, concentrating more and more power in a Left-wing state.
The evenings have been drawing in for weeks. On September 23, sunset in London was at 6.59pm. Tonight it will be at 5.53pm. Next Sunday, after the clocks go back to where they should be, sunset will be at 4.39pm GMT. Why not just leave them there for good? Are we so ill-educated that we cannot see that this violent twice-yearly changing of the clocks has only one effect – it forces everyone to go to work and school an hour earlier than they need to during the period when we are on Berlin (or 'Summer') Time?It’s a six of one and half of the other as to whether we move to CET but two arguments stand out. ROSPA has long advocated that accidents and deaths will be reduced by lighter evenings and darker mornings. The other is that it will really annoy Peter Hitchens.
When PETER HITCHENS spent four days banged-up with ex-cons for a documentary he genuinely feared for his safety and came close to a 'furious, desperate meltdown'. And that was before word got round about his uncompromising views on crime and punishmentOh dear, Peter gets a some practical experience as to what he wants for you for smoking a spliff. A few weeks in a category C is enough to turn a tough on crime Tory journalist or MP into a do-gooder prison reformer.
Crabcakes wrote: ↑Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:50 pm I would imagine as soon as he’s away and safe, he’ll revert to type and discard any lessons allegedly learned.The entire Mail ethos is built around fear - the over-riding fear that the unspecified and ever-changing They are going to take away everything that You have worked for and hold dear.
Hitch has always struck me as a tremendous coward - all his stances are based around fear (either fear of others, fear of change or fear of weakness), and he’s notorious for peacing out muttering about ad hominem attacks or focusing on some non issue like not being called Mr Hitchens when faced with troubling facts that interrupt his mindset.
Youngian wrote: ↑Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:45 amIt's a "Five star hotel" until one of them experiences it, then it's "Third world hellhole".When PETER HITCHENS spent four days banged-up with ex-cons for a documentary he genuinely feared for his safety and came close to a 'furious, desperate meltdown'. And that was before word got round about his uncompromising views on crime and punishmentOh dear, Peter gets a some practical experience as to what he wants for you for smoking a spliff. A few weeks in a category C is enough to turn a tough on crime Tory journalist or MP into a do-gooder prison reformer.
Yug wrote: ↑Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:39 am Coming to a charity shop near you.Looks awfully thick for what will boil down to:
Dim contrarian sPeKes his BraNeS on a subject he knows bugger-all about.