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By kreuzberger
Yug wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:02 am I see he's managed to spell Zelenskyy wrong all the way through.
I think that "Zelensky" is merely the mail's style-guide mandated spelling of the translation from the Cyrillic which, in itself, doesn't always have pound-for-pound equivalences in the Roman alphabet.
Yug wrote: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:02 am Sloppy? Or deliberately disrespectful?
Otherwise, of course. He's a cunt.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
From Popbitch:
Paying over the odds

Quentin Letts has returned to the Mail, which isn't a huge surprise as he was never really a great fit at the Times. Times' readers didn't just express their displeasure for his work in below-the-line comments, they also very intently expressed it in behind-the-scenes focus groups.

Among the things focus groups consistently picked up on were Letts' "tedious Beano-style sketches", "lumpen wit" and "bias". Not a great return on investment for the £350K they shelled out, but his salary wasn't the only cost the Times incurred.

When the Mail first lost Letts, they tried to get one over on the Times by luring Giles Coren away in retaliation. In order to stop him defecting, the Times upped Coren's salary too. So they didn't just end up overpaying for one columnist their readers think is a twat. They overpaid for two.
Dalem Lake liked this
By Rosvanian
Yeah, I noticed he was back at the Mail last week, claiming that because Starmer is dull, no one should vote for him. The world moves on but the right wing echo chamber continues to churn out what its audience wants to read. regardless. I'm sick of being polite, he's just another hard right gob-shite cunt who should be scraping chewing gum off the pavement for a living.
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By Andy McDandy
Toby Young back in 2016 was bigging up his friend Johnson, saying don't worry about the scandals and corruption, at least he makes us laugh. Like that's the main qualification you look for in a fucking PM. Well, we know how that worked out.

Funnily enough, I'm just about old enough to remember the right wing press laying into Blair for his lack of gravitas. As opposed to the freakshow of sleazy provincial estate agents and Tim Nice-but-Dims that was the Major era Tory party.

As for Times readers, that doesn't surprise me. The paper's quite liberal on social matters, and proud to act as the designated grown up. Its readers really don't like being taken for fools, and the paper itself is big enough to admit when it's fucked up.
By Youngian
Funnily enough, I'm just about old enough to remember the right wing press laying into Blair for his lack of gravitas. As opposed to the freakshow of sleazy provincial estate agents and Tim Nice-but-Dims that was the Major era Tory party.

Even more so with Kinnock who allegedly wasn’t a serious leader because he was in a Tracey Ullman video. Whereas you wouldn’t want a pint with Maggie but she was a proper serious politician. That narrative about Thatcher did have legs and can be applied to Starmer. Buccaneering jolly japes however are not qualifications for PM. Even Johnson’s worst critics were stunned how bad he was at the job.
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By Andy McDandy
#59016 ... arted.html

Letts is a loathsome piece of shit.
Who could blame him when one staring, unhappy woman in the public gallery shouted 'You're a murderer!', and when four others (soon ejected) held up signs saying 'The dead can't hear your apologies'?

The grief of these protesters felt performative and political. Please, we are all victims of that wretched virus. Some of us lost siblings because lockdown was too tight, not too lax.

Mr Johnson arrived at the inquiry building near London's Paddington station some three hours early, under cover of pre-dawn darkness, to avoid the howling mob.
Just fuck off, Letts.
He denied having wiped his mobile telephone of information. If the inquiry's sleuths had known him as long as I have, they would realise he was never clued-up enough to have done anything remotely technological.

As for the alleged 'toxic culture' at Downing Street – civil servants have repeatedly waved wet handkerchiefs about Dominic Cummings and other brutes calling them rude names – Mr Johnson preferred a No 10 where people felt able to challenge one another, even if that meant things becoming a little testy.
Huh huh, can't expect a chap to know everything, especially not some techy-wallah nonsense. And so what if some people are acting like arseholes? You know what, Letts? Fuck off some more.
Mr Keith complained that no one had kept a minute of conversations between ministers. He's a great one for minutes, is Hugo. Bet he's a stickler for fish knives, too.

With rising urgency, the KC rehashed alleged failings of the Johnson government and its premier during the early stages of the pandemic. It turned out that some of the received wisdoms were plainly untrue. Remember it being said that Boris took a holiday during the February 2020 half-term? Fake news.
Taking everything Johnson says as gospel, while ad-homming the guy whose job is to interrogate him. Fucked off yet, Letts? Keep going.
Mr Keith reheated some of those sweary messages sent by Mr Cummings, the coprolalic former No 10 adviser. How disgraceful that serious figures should be so gossipy and disobliging about their colleagues, we were told.

One hesitates to say this, but it is not impossible that senior members of the judiciary have been known, at the long table of The Garrick Club, to say pretty bloody things about their brothers and sisters of the bar.
"Miss, he did a swear as well!". Fuck off.
Not for the first time, the inquiry seemed unworldly about how politics works. Mr Johnson had to explain that political figures are forever plotting against each other and trying to get one another sacked. It's how Westminster and Whitehall has always been.
That's how they work - by asking people to explain why things happened that may well seem normal inside whatever culture you're used to, but make no sense to anyone on the outside. Fucked off yet?
Funny little pudding. She had ditched the designer scarf of last month and seemed to make more interventions. She opened the day with a stern ticking-off, aimed either at the witness or figures in Whitehall, for anyone considering leaking evidence to the media.

Blabbing to the newspapers was verboten, she averred. Her tantrum struck me as pointless, pompous and politically naive.
Patronising, sexist cunt. Off to the land of fuck with you.
And there is one thing Boris Johnson had going for him, way above any eminence of judges or KCs or senior officials, and it remains valid even after his toppling from office: he was our elected head of government.

For good or ill, right or wrong, lockdown or liberty, he had the stamp of democratic validity. That must never be made subservient to the pettifogging of hindsight.
And there we have it - his actual argument. One they would never use (and never have) when it came to any other PM, even Saint Maggie. If that's their attitude, why even pretent to be an independent press at all?

There are not enough fuck offs in existence for Letts and Johnson. Cunts.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I think you mean divine retribution. His karma means he will be reincarnated as a slug.
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By Watchman
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:19 am I think you mean divine retribution. His karma means he will be reincarnated as a slug.
I didn’t think you could come back as what you are now
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By Malcolm Armsteen
A fair point.

In fact he'd be lucky to come back as plankton.
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