:sunglasses: 23.1 % :pray: 7.7 % :laughing: 69.2 %
By davidjay
I happened across this radio station yesterday and for the first time ever listened for a few minutes. They were running a debate on could Reform win the next election (you'll never guess the outcome) and apart from the fact that both 'political commentators' were on the same side, what struck me was the production. The sound quality was awful, like a podcast recorded in someone's garden shed.
Last edited by davidjay on Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
davidjay wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:40 am
Malcolm Armsteen wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:08 am Did you mean ‘sane’?
I meant same. Duly amended with the proviso that this will be the only time 'sane' and 'GB News' appear together.
By Oboogie
I've never listened to GBeebies beyond viral clips. I've considered it simply because I'm slightly curious how they fill the hours - but thankfully, so far, I've always found something better to do.

Shocking bullying by Malcolm there, by the way, poor David.

Edited because I noticed I'd misspelt Malcolm's name and I could think of no good reason not to correct it.
kreuzberger liked this
By Youngian
I've never listened to GBeebies beyond viral clips. I've considered it simply because I'm slightly curious how they fill the hours - but thankfully, so far, I've always found something better to do.

Is it personal political bias to find GBN dull and unwatchable? Don't think it is. Maybe only tedious unimaginative dimwits are attracted to this sort of politics.
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By Tubby Isaacs
My first sighting of a GB News presenter, Emma Webb. She made the mistake of going on the BBC this morning and repeating debunked rubbish in the presence of Jonathan Portes.

Emma regarded what Portes said as "defamatory", which it wasn't remotely. She's a free speech fundamentalist, as you can probably guess.

https://bsky.app/profile/implausibleblo ... 6ylp2sxc2l

These people are dreadful at what they do. Say what you like about Fox News, you can sometimes see a sort of evil genius in it.
By Bones McCoy
Rumours emerge from GB news.
Plebby talking head Darren Grimes is the latest embarrassment to get shitcanned.

Thought he was one of the big boys.
Enjoyed rubbing shoulders with the big boys from nice schools.
Found out he was merely "the help".
Last edited by Bones McCoy on Sun Mar 02, 2025 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
By satnav
Shit for brains GB News presenter Tom Harwood was yesterday advocating that people who drive cars covered by the Motability scheme should have the words Motability written in big letters on the side of their cars. Where do you start with such stupidity?

Singling out people with disabilities and serious illnesses really is dangerous. Hate crime against disabled people is a serious problem in this country and such a measure would only make things worse. Many serious conditions like MS are not always noticeable to the untrained eye. Sometimes the car belongs to the passenger rather the driver so the driver could get a lot of abuse from ignorant people who think that the driver is undeserving of a state funded vehicle.

Having a car with Motability written on the side parked outside your house would also make you a potential victim for a thief who thinks that you are an easy target because of your disability.
By Bones McCoy
satnav wrote: Mon Mar 17, 2025 8:42 pm Shit for brains GB News presenter Tom Harwood was yesterday advocating that people who drive cars covered by the Motability scheme should have the words Motability written in big letters on the side of their cars. Where do you start with such stupidity?

Singling out people with disabilities and serious illnesses really is dangerous. Hate crime against disabled people is a serious problem in this country and such a measure would only make things worse. Many serious conditions like MS are not always noticeable to the untrained eye. Sometimes the car belongs to the passenger rather the driver so the driver could get a lot of abuse from ignorant people who think that the driver is undeserving of a state funded vehicle.

Having a car with Motability written on the side parked outside your house would also make you a potential victim for a thief who thinks that you are an easy target because of your disability.
But first Harwood must have "Jug eared inbred" tattooed on his forehead.
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