:sunglasses: 33.3 % :laughing: 66.7 %
By Bones McCoy
Oboogie wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:22 pm
AOB wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:58 pm Safeguarding expert and Murdoch drone Rod Liddell on Newsnight: "The Sun has behaved impeccably through all this."
A wee reminder of Rod Liddle's own impeccable behaviour.
Far from the worst strike for the journo nicknamed Stella (Think about it)....
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By Andy McDandy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:08 pm I think this is the blog you on Private Eye you were referring to.

Bet they're a fucking riot at parties.
By Philip Marlow
Bones McCoy wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:48 pm
Oboogie wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:22 pm
AOB wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:58 pm Safeguarding expert and Murdoch drone Rod Liddell on Newsnight: "The Sun has behaved impeccably through all this."
A wee reminder of Rod Liddle's own impeccable behaviour.
Far from the worst strike for the journo nicknamed Stella (Think about it)....
That'd be the one. I do find it interesting, the way in which the nudge-nudge-wink-wink but not inherently malicious attitude to 'pooves' in the sixties hardened into something decidedly nastier once a more militant gay rights movement got going, and especially once AIDS became a matter of public knowledge. I suspect Richard Ingrams' prejudices might have had more than a little to do with that.

As for Rod Liddle, mentioned upthread, let's not forget his racist postings to a Millwall FC fan forum under the handle 'monkeymfc', or the fact that he once accepted a police caution for assaulting his heavily pregnant partner. Just an all round fabulous guy.
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By Tubby Isaacs
I once had the misfortune to listen to an after dinner speech by Richard Ingrams. Speeches (at dinners, weddings, whatever) would be my first choice for Room 101, and I banned them at my own wedding (beyond me thanking people, and my brother doing a minimal (and nice) one.

Ingrams was, even by my low expectations of the genre, terrible.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
That's a big word salad.
And totally misses two points:

The Eye is very often ironic, and operating on several levels at the same time, and,
In the 60s most straight youngers were completely relaxed about gays - could see humour in Julian and Sandy, or Kenneth Williams. Tolerant.
By Philip Marlow
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2023 12:24 pm I once had the misfortune to listen to an after dinner speech by Richard Ingrams. Speeches (at dinners, weddings, whatever) would be my first choice for Room 101, and I banned them at my own wedding (beyond me thanking people, and my brother doing a minimal (and nice) one.

Ingrams was, even by my low expectations of the genre, terrible.
There's more than a whiff of Kingsley Amis after his rightwards turn about Ingrams.
Tubby Isaacs liked this
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By Abernathy
What’s that you say? You want even more proof that people who read The Sun are some of the densest , most idiotic, and venal fuckwits on the planet? Allow me to present this little “news story”concerning the delightful and witty presenter, Victoria Coren-Mitchell.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/24342297/b ... 1696865383

BAD CONNECTION BBC presenter Victoria Coren Mitchell slammed by furious fans over ‘insensitive’ post ahead of new Jimmy Savile drama

The lovely Victoria tweeted this quite self-deprecating and sharply witty comment :
Ooh, I see that new Jimmy Savile/Steve Coogan biopic is on tonight.
If you can cope with watching a presenter who makes your flesh creep, I might also suggest Only Connect at 8pm on BBC Two and Have I Got A Bit More News For You at 10.40pm on BBC One.
I almost can’t bring myself to tell you about the selection of fucking brain-donors who apparently found this “insensitive”.

Vishnu on a fucking velocipede.
lambswool, Oboogie liked this
By MisterMuncher
There's long-running rumours that the Sun had a welter of extremely damaging material on Savile that they held for their own reasons.

Can't imagine this is much more than a smoke job, focusing attention on Victoria because her cunt brother who works for the Sun's sister paper is being a cunt again.
Dalem Lake liked this
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By Dalem Lake
MisterMuncher wrote:There's long-running rumours that the Sun had a welter of extremely damaging material on Savile that they held for their own reasons.
Kelvin McKenzie popped up on GBeebies to have a pop at the BBC about Saville but it's a real stretch to think that as the editor of the biggest muck raker at the time he had no knowledge of even the rumours about Saville, especially considering the Sun's obsession about stars sexual activities.
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By Andy McDandy
It was an open bloody secret, but Savile was lawyered up the Swannee and had serious connections. Think about Epstein - not everyone in his little black book was joining in with him raping kids, but just being mentioned in his company is good enough for guilt by association. Or Weinstein - I think it was Quentin Tarantino who said that everyone knew but nobody had the guts to say anything for fear of what could happen to their careers. Nobody wanted to take the first step publicly, in case nobody else stepped forward as well.
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By Andy McDandy
Bear the following in mind. Mackenzie had a vendetta against Elton John and ran a number of stories about him that were libellous and accused him of illegal activity. John took the Sun to court, and won copious damages. Mackenzie doubled down, and before you ask, the Sun actually took a dip in sales on every day they led with an Elton John story - even their own readers couldn't give a shit. So you can't argue that Kelv knew that increased sales would offset the damages.

Bear all that in mind, then consider how the tabloid press treated Savile - right up to the 2012 documentary - like a saint.
By MisterMuncher
Bear with me on the timeline of it all, but I'm fairly sure Savile's time as a telly draw was up by the mid-eighties. Exposing him them would have been rather awkward as his profile was more "charity guy and friend of the government, used to be on telly", whereas by the 2000's the earlier memory prevailed.
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