- Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:28 pm
But then you're hit with the sheer political difficulty of it. For far too long in the UK any governing party - or party aspiring to government - proposing even modest increases in taxation is treated as if they were proposing the wholesale slaughter of the first-born child in every family. If you're Labour, you won't get elected even if the tax increases you propose are absolutely the right thing to do - because the electorate believes Tory lies and Tory client journalism ( again) and votes the party of cunts in again for another round of suffering.
If we can solve how to crack that eternal riddle, we really are onto something.
If we can solve how to crack that eternal riddle, we really are onto something.
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"The opportunity to serve our country: that is all we ask.” John Smith, May 11, 1994.