:laughing: 75 % :poo: 25 %
By Youngian
Most prisoners do (what's called) meaningful activity already. If you want to make that part of an assessment system, you're going to have to do a lot of extra work. Otherwise, you're going to be releasing basically everybody you're releasing now who refuse to do anything.

Perhaps the cons embark on moral renewal.

"My religion's a great comfort to me, sir."
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By mattomac
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:49 pm She's a Minister of State, but would have been a Cabinet Minister post until fairly recently. Fair enough really, it's a big cut and you'd expect there to be a reaction.

Not impossible that she could have been vulnerable to a Green challenge in Oxford East next time. Hope she isn't.
To be honest I don't mind ministers resigning on principle, politics is all about entertaining and no doubt this will be used by the likes of Mason and Laura K but don't we want more principals in politics? The question really is would she go if the government was on edge.

I think the problem is the last lot didn't have a shred of principal.
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By Abernathy
Curiously, Anneliese has resigned but says that she "still supports the Labour government".

A courageous thing to do when practically and pragmatically, there was really no need to. I dare say it was necessary to make the point of principle in a forceful and public way.

I know Anneliese slightly (she used to be in my branch party), and she is a very principled woman.
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By Tubby Isaacs
You can support the government from the backbenches, most backbenchers would say they do that.

One point she makes is that Gaza aid will no longer be affordable in the new budget. I think that might be a questionable political decision (never mind anything else) if that is the case.
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By Bones McCoy
I read the BBC's take on the prison story with interest.

You would't consider Texas a good model for prison reform.
But I suppose that art of study is to examine, find the good bits and see whether they can be applied here.
It's good that people are thinking, and looking wider for examples.

If there's a genuine education / improvement and rehab lesson to be learned, good.

I'm concerned we might get attracted to the "economies of scale" of mega-jails.
These have been shown to be breeding grounds for foundation and spread of organised crime.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Texas has a high imprisonment rate. So when you look at its recidivism rate, lots of those people probably don't need to have custodial sentences in the first place. We're high imprisoners by European standards, but not Texas standards. So I suspect we're already dealing with prisoners who may be relatively hard to rehabilitate. If Gauke can crack short sentences, then that would be handy.

Good point about very large jails. If training and education is going to be tailored, then that's easier done with a big group of prisoners, just like a a large school can offer more exam options. But as you say, there are big disadvantages too.
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By Andy McDandy
Not many votes in jails. Prisoners can't vote, and their families are 50/50 whether they want to see them ever again.

As for rehabilitation, you're not likely to shift opinions. Talk about recidivism and reoffending and people will generally double down on their current view.
By Youngian
Perhaps Nigel can explain how people can afford to have kids. Although his voters aren't keen on tax payers subsidising feckless parents
Nigel Farage has called for the “reindustrialisation” of Britain and “180-degree shift” to reverse the declining birthrate, as he praised the “Judeo-Christian culture” that he claimed underpinned western civilisation. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... birthrates
By RedSparrows
The complexities of Jewish and Christian history and theology, of global Christian faith, of the feuds and wars and pogroms... Mashed into a ball and used to make prejudiced pricks feel clever about their bullshit.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Rabbi Hillel, anyone?

He was teaching in the temple in Jerusalem, and a gentile asked, "Rabbi, teach me the law whilst I stand on one leg."
Hillel replied, "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the entire Torah, and the rest is its commentary. Now go and study."

He also said, "If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?"

Or Rabbi Joshua ben Joseph: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
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By The Weeping Angel
Yeah but he didn't tweet his OUTRAGE on Friday night.

Sir Keir Starmer has announced a £1.6bn missile deal for Ukraine, following a summit of European leaders in London.

The prime minister also announced "a number" of allies had signed up to a "coalition of the willing", alongside France's President Emmanuel Macron, prepared to commit troops to the Ukrainian frontline in the event of a peace deal.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky attended the meeting, where 17 European leaders and Canadian premier Justin Trudeau discussed next steps in securing peace for Ukraine.

The Lancaster House summit in London comes after a televised press conference from the White House, where President Trump told Zelensky he was not grateful enough for US support.
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By Abernathy
I’ll need to go and read about this. I thought the key characteristic of an ambassador was that of diplomatic neutrality. If Mandy is significantly exceeding that brief, then he really shouldn't be, and you could be right that he should be sacked.
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