:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... bines.html

He's had enough of dabbling in world politics. Better to stick to describing the plot of a TV show he's been watching, and sucking up to Clarkson.

Cowardly cunt.
By Youngian
Is LJ referring to a pro oil industry monologue in that series with Billy Bob Thornton as an oil man?
Pretty sure most of it was pinched from an oil industry conspiracy thriller from 20 years ago called Burn Up by Simon Beaufoy. Then it was uttered by Bradley Whitford as a slippery oil company executive.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -boil.html

The caahncil again. Some anecdotes from his readers, none of them apparently fact checked or with counterpoint supplied.
Councils are run for the benefit of staff and the obsessions of a small group of politically motivated activist councillors, puffed up with an intergalactic sense of entitlement and their own importance.
And doing his bit for recycling, a little while later he says:
Local government is now run almost exclusively by far-Left, single-issue fanatics hired out of the jobs pages of the Guardian.
Usual shite really. One bit that caught my eye was a person from Lutterworth, Leicestershire:
Fay Goodwin wrote from Lutterworth, in Leicestershire, after attending a 'consultation' about plans for a new housing development, which would involve closing a road near her home and adding miles to her regular car journeys.

When she challenged one of the planners, he dismissed her concerns, saying she could always ride a bike or buy a horse.
I know Lutterworth a little - my partner's family live there and we visit frequently. Yes, big housing estates are springing up around the town, and there are regular efforts to stop them, or the local business parks (Magna Park, DIRFT) expanding. It's commuter belt for Leicester, Nottingham, Coventry and Birmingham. Nearby Rugby has a direct train link to London. It's somewhat in demand.

But there are no dead ends around there, no roads that, if severed, isolate anywhere. It's south Leicestershire. It's flat, the beginning of the East Anglian plain. There's nothing between you and radio transmitters in Poland.

We don't know when she confronted this "planner". At the meeting, or in the street, or wherever else. Nothing.

Useless, shit stirring cunt.
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By Andy McDandy
You're not allowed to say slavery any more, and the caahncil have renamed all the flats after Mandela and the lefties are all HIPOCRASEY.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... on_desktop

Lots of anecdotes from the last 45 years or so. Basically amounting to shut up, minorities. Our country and our rules.
The Left have tried to pretend that the past didn’t exist. And even if it did, it was irredeemably racist and evil.
No. If anyone's denying the past, it's the likes of Littlejohn and that gnome-faced Tory twat from the last unpleasantness who kept trying to put the frighteners on the National Trust (Dowden! That's the prick!). Pushing the chocolate box, RJ Unstead, Island Story narrative (which is almost exclusively English) is the real fakery. Britain didn't become great through being nice.
It’s absurd to always look at our history in a modern context. The past was indeed a foreign country.
Translation: alright, alright, we did some horrible shit, but don't say so. Different standards and that. Not that this means the lefties are right...look, just shut up about it!
This week we learned that the philanthropist Lord Ashcroft’s collection of 230 VCs at the Imperial War Museum was being mothballed. The museum said it wanted to integrate the medals into ‘wider historical narratives... within many of our visitors’ living memory’.
230 lumps of bronze don't really say much in themselves. Woo hoo, go Lord Ashcroft, you must have searched very hard for them all. But take some time to research each one and explain the whens and whys of it being awarded, well, that's just unacceptable. Just worship the idol!

And that's it, really. We have idols. Worship them. Do not question.
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By Tubby Isaacs
It’s absurd to always look at our history in a modern context. The past was indeed a foreign country.
We look at foreign countries all the time. Way to fuck up a snappy quote.

Lots of people who did incredibly brave things in wartime played it down as something anybody would have done, because they just had to. Does Littlejohn think the VC's should have been displayed on that basis?

Nothing to stop Ashcroft displaying the medals in museums all round the country. He might actually do that, because his interest is genuine and apparently the display was decent.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... -stay.html

In which Dickie argues that it's acceptable for Trump to deport thousands in the hope of catching a few criminals (like that's his actual aim but anyway...), as opposed to our system of it being better for guilty people to go free than one innocent be jailed.

But that's too generous. It's just the usual wank - military age men, red carpets, human rights lawyers, 4 star hotels, wank, wank, wank.

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