:sunglasses: 26.1 % :laughing: 60.9 % :cry: 4.3 % :🤗 8.7 %
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... ondon.html

After an opening couple of paragraphs stuffed with music references, he puts in an "editorial interjection", saying stop with the obscure music references, nobody's getting them. Ho ho, self awareness for the win etc.

Funnily, I felt the presence - or at least influence - of Dacre running strong in this one. Right down to the Arnos Grove reference. And the final sneaky and blatantly venomous barb about babies' names.

By satnav
Apparently on a fictious visit to London, Liitledick was totally letdown by the public transport system but luckily his night was saved by a privately owned pub and an Uber driver. Littledick doesn't seem to realise that his Uber journey was relatively cheap because the drivers are competing with a relatively cheap public transport system.
By satnav
More fantasy nonsense from Littledick.

Daily flights to Rwanda. A trade deal with Trump. Unions shackled. This is how Britain might have looked if the Tories hadn't torn each other to shreds

Yet again Littlejohn tries to present a narrative in which Johnson was brought down due to prosecco and wallpaper. When in reality the tipping point came when Johnson tried to cover up the fact that Chris Pincher was a sex pest.

At no point did the Tories ever promise daily plights to Rwanda. The deal with Rwanda was to send 2000 people there which would have probably required 7 flights at the most. As for the trade deal with America does Littledick really think that Trump would bend over backwards to help Britain. Importing lots of food from a country with extremely poor food standards would seriously damage the chances of British food producers of selling food to other countries other than America.

Liitledick concludes that only Farage can now deliver his fantasy policies.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... names.html

Pub names. Some guy is suing a pub called the Sarcen's Head, and according to Dickie, he plans to sue every pub in the country, or at least get some cash out of them. Guy's a wanker looking for some easy cash. That should be the end of it.

Sorry, I meant the guy complaining about the pubs. Anyway. Dickie uses this as a jumping off point into all the "you can't say that any more" story of the last 5 years or so. Does the usual "of course, nobody would call a new pub the [racist trope] these days, but..." cop-out. Basically, if it's old, it's respectable.
Which brings us neatly back to the Saracens Head, which adorns pubs across England. Critics say it glorifies Crusaders decapitating their Muslim foes and bringing their heads home as trophies.

I'm not so sure. Otherwise you could argue that the Nags Head in Peckham is a celebration of the severed horse's head dumped in that film producer's bed in The Godfather.

Yes, it's linked to the Crusades, along with the names of other pubs, such as The Turks Head, where soldiers on their way to fight for Christianity in the Holy Land stopped off for a drink. But so what?
On that logic, I could argue that the Mail is a porn mag, because it's full of cunts and read by wankers.
By Youngian
Yes, it's linked to the Crusades, along with the names of other pubs, such as The Turks Head, where soldiers on their way to fight for Christianity in the Holy Land stopped off for a drink.

This may well be a myth as these pub names are Tudor when the Saracen was a good guy figure. As a result of diplomatic and economic alliances being formed with the Moors and Turks to contain Spanish power. It's touched upon in Wolf Hall with Henry's penchant for dressing up like a sultan.
I wouldn't expect Littlejohn or the idiot bringing the case to have conducted any research into the matter.
kreuzberger liked this
By MisterMuncher
There's a weird disconnect between the folk memory of the crusaders and the reality. A lot less taking Saracen's heads for Good and St Geirge and a lot more getting connected to God's WiFi after starving, shitting, plodding across desert and marsh or getting smashed to bits against the walls of any number of cities. Whilst taking orders from the French. Or the Pope. Or God help you, a French pope

That old difference between history and "are histree"
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... on_desktop

He's done a song. 12 Days of Christmas, but all about Starmer!

In satirical terms, it's somewhere between "Gordon Brown, taxes the poor" (to the tune of Golden Brown by the Stranglers) and writing "John Majors" and "Peas" on a sheet of paper, pointing at it, and going "Aaaaaah!".

He ends with a note thanking his readers for lapping up his twice-weekly santorum discharge, oops sorry, their "kind letters, emails and contributions".

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By Andy McDandy
Bumper new year crop of cuntery. First, Mandelson!

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... on_desktop
Mandelson, too, was in convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book and was a willing recipient of his hospitality. The only thing we can be sure of is that he wasn’t there for the under-age girls.
Stay classy there. Onto New Year's Honours...

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... on_desktop
Oh, and speaking of rewards for failure, Gareth Southgate is getting a K too. Seems like a nice boy, but he's already got an OBE – which is about as good as England got under his management....

Other footballing knights, Sir Alf Ramsay, Sir Bobby Charlton and Sir Alex Ferguson, actually won things.

Having said that, I've never understood why a successful sportsman or athlete would want an honour handed out by a politician hoping some of the glory will rub off on him.

I can't imagine that getting a knighthood or a CBE beats winning Olympic gold or lifting the World Cup.

Look, I'm not against the honours system in principle, just the way it works. The top gongs always go to politicians, civil servants or those at the pinnacle of their professions, often simply for doing the jobs for which they are already handsomely rewarded.

Nor do I understand why there have to be different levels.
So he complains about someone getting an honour above their 'level', before asking why there are any levels. Why do I suspect this was written by Dacre after he'd been at the sherry?

Finally, seems an Iraqi scientist has been living in the UK for a few years, doing science. Seems he was scandalously living in a "£400,000 Maida Vale flat" (or "a flat" as they're also known) which is apparently wrong.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... on_desktop
So, what the hell is he doing here? Admittedly, the Americans took in Nazi rocket scientists to help their space programme. But giving Al-Atabi the right to live and work in Britain is like hiring the sadistic Japanese general responsible for the Bridge Over the River Kwai to work on HS2.
I just.....just can't....

By the way, Pinochet. Just sayin'.

By Bones McCoy
This may surprise Littlejohn, but not all scientists are white men in white coats.

My university class, 40 years ago was a diverse bunch.
About 60% indigenous.
The rest an international mix, with significant cohorts of Chinese, Malays, Middle Easterners, and the occsaional African.

Is Mister Al-Atabi associated with any criminality?
Without that, his comparison to Colonel Saito seem silly.

Just wait until LJ learns about allied use of Japanese troops for policing in Malaya, Vietnam, Dutch East Indies...
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By Andy McDandy
Besides, he's been working in the UK for the best part of the last 20 years, and hasn't done a treason in that time. Maybe he, and the others named as being discovered in suburbia, were just getting on and adjusting to civilian life. Anyway, if they are accused of any crimes, there are international courts. Ways and means.
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... r-NHS.html

Labour aim to reduce NHS waiting times to 18 weeks on average. Far too long, says Littlecock. Go private, it's the only way forward.

Yes, 18 weeks is too long. But it's even higher at the moment and not once does he ask why.

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By Watchman
Andy McDandy wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2025 8:33 am https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... r-NHS.html

Labour aim to reduce NHS waiting times to 18 weeks on average. Far too long, says Littlecock. Go private, it's the only way forward.

Yes, 18 weeks is too long. But it's even higher at the moment and not once does he ask why.

What’s that you say….40 new hospitals
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By Andy McDandy
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/arti ... on_desktop

Bullshit bingo cards ready? Wouldn't it be great if we were more American? Like an 80s kid obsessed with Knight Rider and the A Team, he thinks it's a cracking idea:

Labour trash economy, woke footballers, evil Chinese, EU is France and Germany bullying everyone else, the EU run Northern Ireland, Chagos Islands, I hate Scotland, Britain an economic basket case and also a booming powerhouse, dirt poor and living it up, SAS!, Greenham Common, bomb the bastards, sink some boats, Spanish trawlers, net zero, fossil fuels, Musk's a technological genius, high paying high tech jobs, drain the swamp, bust the blob, Badenoch's useless, isn't small town America great, lockdowns were wrong, human rights, common law, Starmer's got no mandate, special relationship, Ireland will see sense and come back in, gawd bless the royals.

Oh, one last thing:
And the Americans would love it, if a waitress who served us while I was visiting my sister in Detroit a few years ago is anything to go by. She was wearing a red baseball cap, with the logo:

Make America Great Britain Again.
The waitress wasn't a MAGA fan. Sorry to break it to you.
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