:sunglasses: 16.7 % :laughing: 83.3 %
By Youngian
Abernathy wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:41 am
Bones McCoy wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:01 am World's greatest businessman turns out to be imbecile.

Wasn't that supposed to be Trump ?
It was around the time Musk announced his support for Trump that he booked a one way ticket to Stoopid Town. Who the hell picks an unnecessary fight with Google?
By Bones McCoy
Killer Whale wrote: Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:21 pm Wait. They just take kidneys out of randomers and then try to find recipients that match? Before the kidney starts to die too much? How the fuck would that work?
And could even the best surgeon extract a kidney through the incision for inserting a breast implant?
By soulboy
Indeed. Urban legends are being discussed again as a result of the shooting of Daniel Piedra Garcia (https://news.sky.com/story/woman-shot-d ... o-12909974). They may or may not have been a factor in the shooter's thinking.

As with the kidney story there is a healthy dose of racism involved in kidnap legends, gang initiations carrying distinct Black and Latino overtones.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
soulboy wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 1:20 pm Indeed. Urban legends are being discussed again as a result of the shooting of Daniel Piedra Garcia (https://news.sky.com/story/woman-shot-d ... o-12909974). They may or may not have been a factor in the shooter's thinking.

As with the kidney story there is a healthy dose of racism involved in kidnap legends, gang initiations carrying distinct Black and Latino overtones.
Fucking hell...
By MisterMuncher
As of by magic, this week's Behind The Bastards podcast is covering these kidnap myths. Worth a listen
soulboy liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Apparently Space Karen wants to get rid of the Twitter bird and is asking for suggestions for a new logo. I sent him a cartoon of a prick.

The most recognisable thing which identifies the brand and he wants rid of it...
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By Yug
Elon Musk has revealed a new logo for Twitter, choosing a “minimalist art deco” X as part of a rebrand of the platform.

Reaction from the social media platform’s users has been mixed, if witty:

Musk has also indicated the design would be altered, tweeting that it “probably changes later, certainly will be refined”.

https://amp.theguardian.com/business/li ... iness-live
This is a bit silly. From years of shite adverts on TV, every American knows anything is better than "brand X". :lol:
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