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By Tubby Isaacs
Zach Polanski, who used to claim he could make women's tits bigger with hypnotherapy, is pushing the really big issues. Font sizes on menus at City Hall.
“I’d love to have the conversation with you about how we do this all over London, but I want to start with the most local place possible, which is the canteen just behind me,” said Mr Polanski during the monthly Mayor’s Question Time session on Thursday.
“Would you consider working with the contractor to make sure that our canteen at City Hall is plant-based by default? What I mean by that is the first thing on the menu is vegan or plant-based, that it’s the biggest font, that it’s the most attractive option.

“People can still have meat and dairy if they wish - but they ask for it - so we’re just flipping it the other way around, and making sure a healthy and sustainable diet is the default.”
Quite the plan there, Zach. Won't they have to ask for the vegan food as well? Or do they just stand there in silence while it's passed to them? As someone who is mostly vegetarian, I think I'd order the meat just to make conversation.

Zach describes this rubbish as "climate leadership".
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By Tubby Isaacs
I'm pre-diabetic too, and have gone for weight loss drugs (for which I qualify by being very slightly in the obese category). Lost 4.5 pounds in 2 weeks, 5 days of which was in Italy, so eating fancier food than normal. See how it goes.

Pharmacists seem grateful for the extra income that prescribing the drugs will bring them. Hopefully a win win. Unless the government listen to Zach and cancel the whole thing and just change the font sizes on menus.
Youngian liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
I've just been accepted on the Mounjaro trial - I start next month.

I'll keep you posted.
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By Boiler
The Weeping Angel wrote: Sat Mar 22, 2025 7:58 pm I've never worked out why so many people seem to have a problem with weight loss drugs.
For some, it's seeing slebs (and the likes of Musk) using them as a quick fix to fit in a new item of clothing whilst causing supply issues to those who would find them of greater use such as Type 2 diabetics and the obese; a few months ago I was put on an oral version of semaglutide (Rybelsus) for this very reason. Of course, there'll always be those charmers who just love to hate on fat people and don't see why they should get handouts on the NHS and should just "eat less and move more", completely ignoring that obesity often has much more complicated causes. After all, if it was easy nobody would be overweight, would they?

The only other one I can think of is that in the US, Semaglutide is linked to an increased risk of thyroid cancer yet no mention is made of this on patient information leaflets for the EMA area.

I have to say it doesn't work very well for me but my relationship with food and diet has always been... difficult although at one point last year I was bordering on being in diabetic remission.
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By Boiler
Shouldn't "own research" be written in letters of alternating case? I haven't had a McDonalds in years but given the distorted sense of taste/smell I have been left with after an infection two years ago, I have no idea what it would taste like now. Best not to try.

Returning to the "medicated weight loss" drugs as they're pushed on TV, I still think there's an awful lot of ignorance about how they work and what they can do 'out there'. For one, it's not a case of "jab yourself and then eat what you like because you'll still lose weight" because that's not how they work. Most folk know the main effect is to encourage the production of the "I'm full" hormone so you instinctively eat less. This is fine if you acknowledge that signal (I have trouble with that). It also slows down the rate at which food passes through you; given my gut transit time could be measured with a stopwatch rather than a calendar, that can cause issues of its own.

However, one important thing I need to pass on to those embarking on this journey from my own experience - do keep your fluid intake up. I noticed not long after I started on semaglutide that I no longer drank my usual three litres a day: in fact, I had to remind myself to drink - I just didn't feel thirsty any more. The practice nurse said this was because my blood sugar levels had now lowered so much that I no longer was getting signals to drink more to expel more, so to speak. The downside of not drinking so much became evident a few days after routine tests - I had a UTI, which was dull...

Don't be surprised if it also knocks any desire for alcohol on the head either, as it has me. IIRC this was mentioned in a newspaper article some time ago.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Tue Mar 25, 2025 11:06 am
The Weeping Angel wrote: Sat Mar 22, 2025 7:58 pm I've never worked out why so many people seem to have a problem with weight loss drugs.
Lots of reasons, but one is that for lots of people being overweight is a moral failure.
See also 'Just pull yourself together.'
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By Crabcakes
The Weeping Angel wrote: Sat Mar 22, 2025 7:58 pm I've never worked out why so many people seem to have a problem with weight loss drugs.
Because it’s ‘cheating’.

To be clear it’s not cheating any more than using a splint to heal a broken leg is ‘cheating’, it’s just some people always like to sneer.

The irony of course being people like Katie Hopkins, who got fat deliberately to lose weight to prove fat people were just lazy, might not have that particular problem and so can imply their superiority/the inferiority of others as a consequence, but clearly they have their own problems. And - unfortunately for Katie in particular - there’s no anti-cunt drug.
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By Crabcakes
Abernathy wrote: Tue Mar 25, 2025 2:04 pm
Crabcakes wrote: Tue Mar 25, 2025 1:41 pm Katie Hopkins, who got fat deliberately to lose weight to prove fat people were just lazy
Goodness. Did she really do that? I must have missed it somehow.
It was tastefully called “My Fat Story”. The story being regardless of her weight, she’s a fucking ghoul.
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