:sunglasses: 16.7 % :laughing: 66.7 % :cry: 16.7 %
By Bones McCoy
Dr McCoy has returned form an international W.H.O. gathering.

She is livid - fummin level 11.
Trump/Musk's "efficiency savings" have placed at least half the Western Pacific projects "on-hold pending".
This will affect almost every pacific Island group West of Hawaii, including the Solomons.

I'm relieved I've never provoked the Mrs. to such fury.
By Youngian
Bones McCoy wrote: Mon Mar 17, 2025 10:26 pm Dr McCoy has returned form an international W.H.O. gathering.

She is livid - fummin level 11.
Trump/Musk's "efficiency savings" have placed at least half the Western Pacific projects "on-hold pending".
This will affect almost every pacific Island group West of Hawaii, including the Solomons.

I'm relieved I've never provoked the Mrs. to such fury.
So no big plans for an Asia Pacific realignment other than shaking down allies who house US troops. Think it was the premier of Singapore quoted as saying that the US is now just an extorting landlord.

Meanwhile Varoufakis explains the cunning 4D chess game behind Trump's economic policy that only Yanis has spotted as he's much cleverer than the rest of us. Or maybe he's talking horseshit.
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By kreuzberger
We are all being led to believe that little beyond Pokémon trading cards was discussed during a phone call which lasted the thick end of three hours.

Number Ten's arse must be going tanner-half-crown. Does the UK side with Putin's new ally or with its neighbours, whose top dogs alone have just ushered in a €500 bn hike in defence spending?

(For the avoidance of doubt: that €500 bn hike is based on borrowing in times of unfolding and unprecedented need. Little Willy von Cratchet will not be lumbered with the bill.)
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By Crabcakes
Starmer isn’t an idiot and has worked wonders with our EU neighbours. I suspect he is attempting to keep Trump placated for as long as is possible because what’s really needed is time - time for Europe to gear up enough to maintain the status quo. Because time is what Putin lacks, as he let slip the other day in his rant about sanctions. Turning on Trump fully would propel him straight to doing whatever Russia wants.

Just like Musk’s absurd Tesla car show at the White House - hitting them in the wallet is the most effective.
Andy McDandy, Oboogie liked this
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By Andy McDandy
Also interesting to note that in his "Impeach the judges!" rant, he used the "just doing what you asked me to do" defence. Somewhere in that head, the thought is building that he may have seriously fucked up.
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By Crabcakes
Or, someone clever is feeding him the line that he doesn’t actually need Putin, but Putin needs him.

Trump likes strong leaders. Even he won’t have failed to notice that Macron, Starmer and others have stood up to him. Putin just asks for favours.

Crazy? Possibly. But that’s the problem Putin has with getting agents of chaos elected. You can’t guarantee the outcome you’ll get is the one you wanted.
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By Andy McDandy
As Steve Bannon put it, "flood the zone with shit".

One advantage of being under economic sanction and an international pariah is that if the rest of the world's in chaos, you're a bit better defended from it. Unless it gets really bad, and then it doesn't really matter any more.
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By Watchman
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By Abernathy
I'm a little bit skeptical of the notion that the driving force behind Trump's second term as president is his burning ambition to secure a Nobel Peace Prize. He's definitely small-minded and petty enough to want the prize, if for no other reasons than that his hated enemy, Barack Obama, got one, and that it'd be another boost to his monstrous ego, but I just don't think it's primarily what drives him in being POTUS again. No, I think his motivations are far more base than that : principally in order to stay out of gaol - which he has achieved by winning the election - but also to be in a position to take revenge on those whom, in his perception, did him wrong - as we can see him having done over the last 3 months - but probably most of all, just to make (even more) money. More self-aggrandizement, more acquisition of ill-justified self-importance.

Facts (probably) : No Nobel Peace Prize Laureate has been a braggart. No Nobel Peace Prize Laureate has been a cunt.
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By The Weeping Angel
Bit of a fuck up.

https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/ar ... ce=twitter
The world found out shortly before 2 p.m. eastern time on March 15 that the United States was bombing Houthi targets across Yemen.

I, however, knew two hours before the first bombs exploded that the attack might be coming. The reason I knew this is that Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, had texted me the war plan at 11:44 a.m. The plan included precise information about weapons packages, targets, and timing.

This is going to require some explaining.
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