- Mon Mar 24, 2025 4:11 pm
The trouble with all this “I’ve had it with Labour, they’re nothing less than “Tory Lite”. Never voting Labour ever again” stuff is that, while it’s a kind of understandable reaction to the stuff that Labour in government is having to do at the start of a long and arduous process of putting things right after 14 continuous years of damaging Tory incompetence, corruption, and misgovernance, it fails to consider either what the alternative to withdrawing support for Labour before its remedial policies to correct the damage of 14 Tory years have had a chance properly to take effect may be, or what the effect may be of voting actively against Labour – particularly by voting again for the Tories, or by voting for Farage’s crypto-fascist Reform UK.
The answer to both questions, of course, is that this will, if followed to its logical conclusion at the next general election 4 years from now, result in the return of either a Tory government likely to be several degrees more corrupt, venal, and incompetent than those we endured from 2010 to 2024, or, worse, a coalition government comprised of Tory and Reform UK MPs in which Farage would play a leading role. Now, I’m willing to bet that neither of those outcomes is something that would be to the liking of the Tory Lite/Never Labour again complainers, which is why the casual dismissal of the 9 month old Starmer administration as “Tory Lite” is frankly, crap. But it is also a reminder both that Labour needs to hold its nerve, and of the truth of the old Harold Wilson adage that a week is a long time in politics – and 208 weeks is an even longer time.
Last edited by Abernathy on Mon Mar 24, 2025 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The opportunity to serve our country: that is all we ask.” John Smith, May 11, 1994.