:sunglasses: 9.1 % :laughing: 72.7 % 🧥 9.1 % :🤗 9.1 %
By Oboogie
Well this is fun. Some of you poor unfortunates will have stumbled across an uber white nationalist on Twitter styling himself "Inevitable West". This person's Tweets are full of British culture has been destroyed, Starmer is a traitor, send 'em home, call out the navy to sink the boats etc etc
It's proved popular with the Far Right and his* Tweets have been shared by Farage, Robinson, Tice and, most controversially, Robert Jenrick.
Well, all is not as it seems. Today they posted a Tweet advertising Hindu religious ornaments to Hindus. It seems the Tweeter has two identities and two Twitter accounts and posted to the wrong one by mistake. It seems probable that the hero of the British Far Right racists is actually a British Indian Hindu grifter who has a side hustle of stirring Islamophobia amongst white nationalists.
Popcorn sellers have cancelled all leave.

*I don't know for a fact the Tweeter is male, but I bet you the remains of my Mars Bar it is.
Edited to add a missing apostrophe - because punctuation matters.

Here's Phil Moorhouse to fill in the details.

Update: Apparently the poster is based in Dubai. Now who do we know who suddenly moved to Dubai around the time the Inevitable West account started Tweeting from Dubai?
O'Boogie aged 60, sitting in his Mum's basement wearing his boxer shorts and a very stylish tin-foil hat.
Last edited by Oboogie on Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dalem Lake liked this
By Bones McCoy
Two things here:

The West family don't have a lot of luck, what with Fred, Rose, Kanye and now Inevitable.

There's a significant intersection between Hindus and Far rightists.
  • Narendra Modi's Hindu Nationalists.
  • Hindus as part of our far right's "Good Wogs" - contrast with them ragheads (Obvs).
  • A few Tory candidates pushing caste related wedge issues in their local campaigning.
Not all Hindus obviously, but there's a radical activist core with a lot in common with the white right.
By Oboogie
Bones McCoy wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 7:22 pm Not all Hindus obviously, but there's a radical activist core with a lot in common with the white right.
Of course, as there is with Islamic fundamentalists and the Far Right, however it doesn't mean they like each other or that the Far Right like being deceived.
I don't think many people reading this profile would think the poster was Asian.
inevitable west.jpg
inevitable west.jpg (74.39 KiB) Viewed 6490 times
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By Tubby Isaacs
Bones McCoy wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 7:22 pm Two things here:

The West family don't have a lot of luck, what with Fred, Rose, Kanye and now Inevitable.

There's a significant intersection between Hindus and Far rightists.
  • Narendra Modi's Hindu Nationalists.
  • Hindus as part of our far right's "Good Wogs" - contrast with them ragheads (Obvs).
  • A few Tory candidates pushing caste related wedge issues in their local campaigning.
Not all Hindus obviously, but there's a radical activist core with a lot in common with the white right.
There certainly are. I don't think any nation soiled itself so consistently on Twitter than India. Not even Americans. I guess there are a lot of Indians though.

Lots of Indians have come to here post Brexit. Any Hindu nationalists who see an affinity with the white far right might reflect on their reaction to these Indians.
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By kreuzberger
The Kumar father figure was a particularly obnoxious character. I came across a few similar types in Sri Lanka, particularly when the weather was too shite to ascend Adam's Peak and we decamped to a hotel which boasted being the nearest to the country's highest electricity sub-station. And little else.

I would have cheerfully set about the whole family, following how they spoke to our driver and his wing man. Instead, we got wired in to a litre of Arrack - it was Christmas, after all.
davidjay liked this
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By Abernathy
If, like me, you were wondering what the “Alliance of Responsible Citizens “, the organisation at whose conference Badenoch gave a somewhat deranged speech today, is all about, do take a look at their website :


From this, you might be forgiven for thinking that this is a fairly innocent, innocuous organisation. Their stated objectives sound quite laudable :
The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship is an international movement with a vision for a better world where empowered citizens take responsibility and work together to bring flourishing and prosperity to their families, communities, and nations.
However, the fact that they have platformed Kemi Badenoch as a key speaker leads me, at any rate, to being immediately suspicious that here we have yet another bunch of right-wing cranks. Another “Taxpayers’ Alliance”. They seem to like that word “alliance”, the nutjobs.

There may be more out there on that ‘tinternet about the true nature of these fruitbats. I’m minded to go a googlin’. I’ll let you know.
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By Yug
Boiler mentioned the Homeland Party in the RUK thread. I had a quick Google

The Homeland Party (HP) is an ethnonationalist political party in the United Kingdom. It was founded as a group in May 2023 by its current leader Kenny Smith,[6] and registered as a party in January 2024.[7] It was described by Hope Not Hate as the largest far right group in the UK.[8]...

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homelan ... d_Kingdom)
A very unsavoury bunch of racist wankers by the looks of it.
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By Yug
There ain't no black in the Union Jack
Send em back
Send em back!
It's like the 1970s never went away.

David Cameron has a lot to answer for. His little vanity project emboldened the xenophobes and brought them into the mainstream. And, of course, racism goes hand in glove with xenophobia.
By Bones McCoy
A bit of excitement on the social Meejas today.

Twitter shitposter @benonwine account has been suspended/sacked from his Waitrose job.

Farewell Waitrose Tommy Robinson, meet the unlubed dildo of consequence.

Only now do I understand that benonwine is an account he set up to post Waitrose wine tips.
Before turning it into a fash dumpster fire.

I guessed the handle was a nod to one of those Carolingian warlords that the white power guys idolise.
But it's just ben on wine.
Though probably ben on cheap cider, unless the "i got cancelled" appeals pay off.
By mattomac
Well he’s made half his grift.

Though I find that its top of a google search rather odd, it’s also a bit silly as he’s going have to prove he isn’t influential enough to bring Waitrose into disrepute but influential to generate 8k in 24 hours.

Lao the fact his account is on the back of his job it’s going be hard, love how he has a photo posing with Churchill 😂
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