:sunglasses: 23.5 % :pray: 11.8 % :laughing: 32.4 % :cry: 26.5 % :poo: 5.9 %
By Bones McCoy
A natural disaster as tornadoes in the Southern US status have caused 20 deaths and widespread damage.

Federal assistance would normally kick in and help out.
It remains to see what Elon "Empathy is a weakness" Musk and his merry band of adolescent edgelords will do.

Will they permit assistance as usual, or keep it in the DOGE Waste (See what I did there) bin?
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By Samanfur
Agreed with Trump, or be labelled mentally ill:

This bill amends Minnesota Statutes to modify the definition of mental illness by including "Trump Derangement Syndrome" as a recognized condition. The bill specifies that "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is characterized by an acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal individuals, triggered by the policies and presidency of Donald J. Trump. Symptoms may include intense hostility towards Trump and aggressive actions against his supporters or symbols associated with him. The definition of mental illness is updated in sections 245.462 and 245I.02 to reflect this new inclusion.
By davidjay
Samanfur wrote: Sun Mar 16, 2025 8:36 am Agreed with Trump, or be labelled mentally ill:

This bill amends Minnesota Statutes to modify the definition of mental illness by including "Trump Derangement Syndrome" as a recognized condition. The bill specifies that "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is characterized by an acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal individuals, triggered by the policies and presidency of Donald J. Trump. Symptoms may include intense hostility towards Trump and aggressive actions against his supporters or symbols associated with him. The definition of mental illness is updated in sections 245.462 and 245I.02 to reflect this new inclusion.
Soviet-era tactics. His love of Russia isn't just contemporary; he'll be enslaving the serfs next.
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By The Weeping Angel
The rest of the Kennedy Files have been released.

More than 2,000 newly released documents related to the investigation into President John F Kennedy's assassination are notable not just for what they contain - but for what is omitted.

As many experts expected, this latest release by the Trump administration does not answer all lingering questions about one of the turning points in American history - the 1963 slaying of Kennedy in Dallas.

Nor do they fundamentally shift the understanding of what happened that day.

There is no 'smoking gun'.

But this latest batch, external does include documents that are now mostly or fully unredacted - original material is included instead of blacked-out or replaced by blank space. The release also includes a number of details likely to interest historians and JFK case watchers.

A US government investigation concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, a drifter and former US Marine who at one point defected to the then-Soviet Union before returning to the US, acted alone when he shot at Kennedy's motorcade from a nearby building.

However, most Americans tend to disagree - over decades, polls have consistently shown that a majority doubt the official story.
In a shocking twist it turns out the killer was Lee Harvey Oswald.
mattomac liked this
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By Killer Whale
https://electrek.co/2025/03/19/tesla-ts ... n-missing/
Tesla’s (TSLA) accounting practices are raising red flags as a new report from the Financial Times shows that $1.4 billion is missing.

Many Tesla shorts and detractors have questioned Tesla’s accounting for years, but they have never gained much traction – until now.

Today, the Financial Times has released a new report pointing to a $1.4 billion gap in assets:

Compare Tesla’s capital expenditure in the last six months of 2024 to its valuation of the assets that money was spent on, and $1.4bn appears to have gone astray.

The article points out that Tesla reports having spent $6.3 billion on “purchases of property and equipment excluding finance leases, net of sales” in the second half of 2024, while property, plant, and equipment rose by only $4.9 billion in that period.
By Bones McCoy
Oboogie wrote: Thu Mar 20, 2025 7:24 am According to Russell Brand, Penelope Keith shot JFK.
Brand is taking the piss while continuing to rinse gullible septics.

They even hinted at it in the scripts.
Tom: We may have jumped to conclusions here.
Jerry: Obviously.
Margo: Well, that's that sorted out.
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