:🤗 75 % :poo: 25 %
davidjay wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 10:38 pm
Youngian wrote: Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:40 pm
davidjay wrote: Fri Mar 07, 2025 10:35 pm No-one should ever be in the position of wanting a loved one dead.
My mother begged me to kill her to end her pain. Didn’t fancy a long sentence in chokey so didn't even contemplate the idea. I was a selfish prick making it all about me by not ending my mum's suffering.
I'm wrestling with the belief that wanting her to slip away is about what's best for me.
Don't let yourself go there. A dignified end is best for her, you are a participant but not a beneficiary. All things must pass.
I fervently hope that her journey ends peacefully and you can find resolution. But never feel guilty.
Abernathy, Samanfur liked this
Please don't think I'm in any way ungrateful for the support you're all giving, which is of immeasurable comfort, but the one thing I'm learning more than anything is that it's been easy in the past for me to give dispassionate advice but it's bloody hard now I'm directly affected.
davidjay wrote: Sun Mar 16, 2025 2:48 pm Please don't think I'm in any way ungrateful for the support you're all giving, which is of immeasurable comfort, but the one thing I'm learning more than anything is that it's been easy in the past for me to give dispassionate advice but it's bloody hard now I'm directly affected.
I’m hoping that doesn’t imply that you’re finding it hard to take value from the dispassionate advice that Malcolm, Crabs and co. are offering. You’re quite right that you can only truly understand something if you have experienced (or are experiencing) it, but others do have experience of your situation, in one way or another. I have too, but for me it’s actually quite difficult to offer dispassionate advice to others.
I'm eternally grateful for everything that's being said. The way in which my situation is a bit different is that my mum's pain is mental rather than physical. I don't know what she's really thinking (even in her prime she never did stoic, bless her) and I don't know if she might get better. I think it's these unknowns that are the worst part for me.
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