:laughing: 100 %
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Mar 10, 2025 7:51 pm lastest escalation of bitter row
If only...
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By Tubby Isaacs
Youngian wrote: Mon Mar 10, 2025 8:22 pm At least the media's Farage obsession has guaranteed this minor party spat a high place on the news cycle. Whether it makes any difference with the dimwits who vote for them remains to be seen.
I think it probably makes no difference, unless Lowe can take a chunk off the side of Reform, perhaps with Musk (or similar) money.

Lowe might fancy joining up Yaxley-Lennon when he gets out again.
By satnav
Channel 4 News was quite interesting tonight. Gary Gibbons was interviewing Farage at the Party's new HQ. It looked like a very professional set up. They are clearly ramping up the vetting process to try and avoid too many crackpots becoming party candidates. Farage seemed to acknowledge that being too close to Trump could be a problem for the party if things go badly for the Tangerine Tyrant.

I think in the short term the party will use the Rupert Lowe spat as proof that the party is clamping down on extremism which may well help them in the polls but the fact remains that many of the grassroot members now seem to prefer the ideas of Rupert Lowe to those of Farage. So it will be interesting to see what Rupert Lowe does next. If he decides to form a new party it is likely to be more extreme than Reform so it will probably struggle to attract many wealthy backers.
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By Andy McDandy
Fargle's outfit has a chance at upsetting things because, loath as I am to admit it, he's reasonably competent in front of the cameras, and has a lot of popularity among cunts. It also doesn't have a great track record of staying in power, either due to the hubris of its members thinking they have a say, or the ineptitude they demonstrate in office.

All these far right splinter groups do is argue over who's the biggest twat, generally poison the political atmosphere, and allow mainstream parties to take a few steps right, as they still look relatively sane compared to the BlueKipLeaversFirst mob.

Which is probably the point.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Hi Boiler! Hope you're well.

Rupert Lowe used to be the chairman of Southampton. I'm sure he's still in touch with football, and rather doubt anybody has told him that they're worried that men are being looked down upon for going to football.

This is very online stuff, and as others have said, I wonder if there's some YTS boy knocking this stuff out for him.

By satnav
I wonder if Rupert Lowe is alluding to this undercover operation carried out by ITV last month.

Inside Britain's fascist fight club: Secret footage shows far-right group preparing for 'race war'

https://www.itv.com/news/2025-02-11/und ... r-race-war
A white supremacist group masquerading as a fitness club has been secretly working to build a far-right militia, holding training sessions in plain sight.

An undercover investigation by ITV News has revealed how ‘Active Club England’ is following a blueprint established by neo-Nazi networks in the US and Europe, using extreme fitness and fraternity as a front to recruit and radicalise members for a so-called "race war".
Yes just a bunch of ordinary white blokes having a bit of fun.
By Youngian
Among its latest recruits is a convicted violent criminal, previously jailed for a knife attack in a supermarket.
He is currently under probation conditions and must regularly attend a 'thinking skills programme' as part of his rehabilitation.

Not just criminals who would benefit from acquiring thinking skills.
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By Abernathy
On-the-money assessment by Ian Dunt :

Farage's pitiful political operation is coming apart at the seams
Things are starting to sour for Reform

https://www.removepaywall.com/search?ur ... CNdlZ4Aq4A
Reform UK functions in precisely the same way as the Brexit Party functioned before it, and Ukip before that: a decaying circus of tiny male egos battling for dominance. If, by some ludicrous stroke of stupidity and bad luck, they ever ended up in government, the country would grind to a halt within the week.

After months of being told Reform was on the brink of power – always a laughable proposition – they’re now falling apart for all to see. The party is in a civil war, they’ve lost an MP, and its leader has been revealed for the Putin apologist he’s always been. Suddenly the great remorseless Reform juggernaut has juddered to a halt in the mud.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
So what will the shit-gibbons of the journalistic profession throw at us now?
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