... -boil.html
The caahncil again. Some anecdotes from his readers, none of them apparently fact checked or with counterpoint supplied.
Councils are run for the benefit of staff and the obsessions of a small group of politically motivated activist councillors, puffed up with an intergalactic sense of entitlement and their own importance.
And doing his bit for recycling, a little while later he says:
Local government is now run almost exclusively by far-Left, single-issue fanatics hired out of the jobs pages of the Guardian.
Usual shite really. One bit that caught my eye was a person from Lutterworth, Leicestershire:
Fay Goodwin wrote from Lutterworth, in Leicestershire, after attending a 'consultation' about plans for a new housing development, which would involve closing a road near her home and adding miles to her regular car journeys.
When she challenged one of the planners, he dismissed her concerns, saying she could always ride a bike or buy a horse.
I know Lutterworth a little - my partner's family live there and we visit frequently. Yes, big housing estates are springing up around the town, and there are regular efforts to stop them, or the local business parks (Magna Park, DIRFT) expanding. It's commuter belt for Leicester, Nottingham, Coventry and Birmingham. Nearby Rugby has a direct train link to London. It's somewhat in demand.
But there are no dead ends around there, no roads that, if severed, isolate anywhere. It's south Leicestershire. It's flat, the beginning of the East Anglian plain. There's nothing between you and radio transmitters in Poland.
We don't know when she confronted this "planner". At the meeting, or in the street, or wherever else. Nothing.
Useless, shit stirring cunt.