:sunglasses: 25 % :laughing: 50 % :cry: 25 %
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By The Weeping Angel
Abernathy wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:50 am Just wondering what opinion polls in the USA are like right now. Specifically, to what extent is "buyer's remorse" kicking in now that Murrikan voters can see what having Trump 2.0 and Project 2025 is actually like.

I'd google, but some of you chaps might already know.
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By Crabcakes
davidjay wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 7:39 pm
Abernathy wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 6:40 pm Today in Wondering About Trump :

The phrase "A heartbeat away from the presidency" .

"JD" Vance is supposedly considerably more intelligent than The Donald.

Simple question : What the fuck is Vance up to ?
Keeping in with the boss (whoever that is) and waiting to take over as President.
Exactly this. Vance is whatever he needs to be to keep whoever he needs to happy at that point.

I’m in the bizarre situation now of hoping Trump staggers on for a big longer to prevent him becoming president, because there is scope that Vance would be far, far more dangerous.
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By Abernathy
It strikes me that the USA’s presidential executive order, as well as being loved by Trump (seems to appeal to his narcissistic vanity and gives him a feeling of absolute power to do whatever the fuck he likes), is perhaps unique in any democracy, certainly any western democracy.

Trump signs off dozens of them, seemingly every day. He appears to have a distinct aversion to putting legislation before congress, even though his party has a majority there - why do that when he can just scratch out his barely decipherable John Hancock with his fucking Sharpie and whatever it is just happens ?

Surely presidential executive orders are meant to be used rarely and sparingly, not spaffed out like kiddies’ finger paintings to be stuck on a fucking fridge door. The very idea of the “executive order” is, objectively, a constitutional absurdity, one of the many things that are so very wrong with the USA, not the least of which is the fact that a disgusting crook like Trump, who should have been behind bars years ago, can instead be elected president and wreak havoc at will.
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By Boiler
Abernathy wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:58 pm Trump signs off dozens of them, seemingly every day. He appears to have a distinct aversion to putting legislation before congress, even though his party has a majority there - why do that when he can just scratch out his barely decipherable John Hancock with his fucking Sharpie and whatever it is just happens ?
Note the signature on this screen-capped advert;
Screenshot_20250211_111808_Chrome.jpg (649.16 KiB) Viewed 5331 times
Listening to that fuckwit on the radio on my commute in, his limited vocabulary that seems to consist mostly of 'deal' and 'beautiful' makes me think his brain and vocal chords have been replaced with the voice box from a "Talky Tina" doll with just the one record...
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By Watchman
Abernathy wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:58 pm It strikes me that the USA’s presidential executive order, as well as being loved by Trump (seems to appeal to his narcissistic vanity and gives him a feeling of absolute power to do whatever the fuck he likes), is perhaps unique in any democracy, certainly any western democracy.

Trump signs off dozens of them, seemingly every day. He appears to have a distinct aversion to putting legislation before congress, even though his party has a majority there - why do that when he can just scratch out his barely decipherable John Hancock with his fucking Sharpie and whatever it is just happens ?

Surely presidential executive orders are meant to be used rarely and sparingly, not spaffed out like kiddies’ finger paintings to be stuck on a fucking fridge door. The very idea of the “executive order” is, objectively, a constitutional absurdity, one of the many things that are so very wrong with the USA, not the least of which is the fact that a disgusting crook like Trump, who should have been behind bars years ago, can instead be elected president and wreak havoc at will.
I have been having the same thought/nightmare
By Youngian
Trump claimed God saved him from the assassin's bullet to make America great again. No respect for the relatives present whom I guess by default God wanted to die.
Although they appear to be applauding in a God fearing country where statements like that don't get you sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
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By Abernathy
Is it my imagination, or is Vance involving himself, particularly in public, in policy pronouncements and such like far more than any other Veep of recent times?

I can’t seem to recall Kamala Harris as Veep ever getting involved in anything like a similar way. She basically kept her gob shut (which might have been part of the reason why she lost last November).
By Bones McCoy
Following the State of the Union, what did Adam Ant know?
We don't follow fashion
That'd be a joke
You know we're going to set them, set them
So everyone can take note, take note
When they saw you kneeling
Crying words that you mean
Opening their eyeballs, eyeballs
Pretending that you're Al Green, Al Green
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Trump 2.0 Lunacy


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