:sunglasses: 25 % :laughing: 50 % :cry: 25 %
By Oboogie
Abernathy wrote: Sat Mar 01, 2025 1:11 pm I think there are plenty of people that have already done that, and are still doing so. I think it depends on who does it.
"The 25th Amendment is the ultimate constitutional "check" — a corrective mechanism for an American president who is physically or psychologically unable to lead. Most important, it grants legal authority to those closest to power — first, the vice president and Cabinet members, then members of Congress — to stage an intervention. At the very least, these individuals are authorized to call a temporary timeout if the president is judged unfit to govern."

So, we're dependent on Vance and Trump's cabinet of sycophants to do the right thing...
I'm sure it'll be fine, they're probably working on it right now.

https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/2 ... ncna801666
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By Tubby Isaacs
Fresh from blowing up NATO, Trump's moved on to.. pardoning Pete Rose "who only ever bet on his own side" and called for him to be posthumously voted into the Hall of Fame. Betting "only on your own side" was banned too, for good reason, especially if you're the manager as Rose was after he retired as a player.

But betting (only on your own team) isn't a criminal offence. Rose was prosecuted for.. tax evasion. Would be very on brand for Trump to pardon him for that.
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By Watchman
Abernathy wrote: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:09 pm I think it’s worth establishing a thread to document the coming 4 years’ worth of the madness of Trump.

We’ve already had a declared intention to take over Greenland, force Canada to become the 51st state, and seize ownership of the Panama Canal. Now he has decided to appoint Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone, and the fucking-off-his-trolley Jon Voight as his “Hollywood envoys” who will apparently “make Hollywood great again”. (How ?).

And he’s not even formally back in the White House until Monday afternoon.

Next : Fuck Ukraine. Fuck NATO. Tariffs all round ???
I think we should ask Mr Abernathy for tonight’s lottery numbers
kreuzberger, Oboogie liked this
By Oboogie
Yet again I'm persuaded by Phil Moorhouse's explanation of what happened yesterday.
TLDW: Trump failed to get a deal with Putin who wouldn't agree to European peacekeepers in Ukraine. To save face, Trump and Vance concocted the row to give them an excuse to expel Zelensky for being disrespectful.

The line will be something like: "I had a beautiful deal, an oven ready beautiful deal, most people say it was the best deal in the history of the world. But Zelensky was ungrateful and rude and didn't wear a suit, so I'm sending a Navy Seal team to Kyiv to assassinate him. It will be the greatest assassination in the history of the world and very, very fair and just."

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By Tubby Isaacs
Alternative explanation I saw BTL on The Guardian, which I think is worth considering.
It's implausible to think that Trump planned this from the beginning. What happened was that Zelensky reminded the Americans that Putin is not an honest broker, and that this should be kept in mind during diplomatic negotiations. Vance than seized the opportunity to sink the meeting and rile Trump up. He is far more dangerous than Trump, and far smarter too.
It is possible it was a fuck up by Trump. He wants a deal and he can't get that without Zelensky. I note that some Republican senators and been hanging out with Zelensky, and not apparently expecting what happened.
By soulboy
satnav wrote: Sat Mar 01, 2025 10:03 pm I think when Trump comes for his state visit they should make him sit next to Prince Andrew and ensure that the entertainment has a a strong Ukrainian theme a few Ukrainian choirs and a bit of Ukrainian culture. If he starts moaning then kick him out for being disrespectful.
Suits, eh? You want to fuck around about suits in the White House?

Tines down, it's a fork not a shovel, you colonial oik.
By Bones McCoy
Give me a proven man without a suit.
I'd support him any day over the two empty suits who opposed him.

Friday saw two mobsters attempting to extort an honest man.

Reparations are so 19th and early 20th century.
But even then there was never a suggestion for reparations to a disinterested third party.
Last edited by Bones McCoy on Sun Mar 02, 2025 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Andy McDandy
I said it a while back; this is mob justice. The bosses get together, divide up the loot the small fry were arguing over, keep it to themselves, and tell the mooks to be bloody grateful they're not sleeping with the fishes.
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