:sunglasses: 25 % :laughing: 50 % :cry: 25 %
By Youngian
Fortunately US forces are going to have very little to do in the future. It appears Trump's global strategy is to shake down allies who house US bases, for cash and raw materials. The new strategy for soon to be former US allies in Europe and Asia will be reproachment with China. While the policy towards the US will be "well pack your fucking bags, then." If they have any sense.
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By Oboogie
The Weeping Angel wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2025 9:13 pm Trump is purging the military of senior officals.

The other day I asked where the military's loyalties would fall, for the Constitution they are sworn to protect or for their Commander in Chief who is currently engaged in tearing it up. I believe this is Trump neutering the military so they don't get any silly ideas about defending the Constitution and stopping him by force.
By davidjay
Youngian wrote: Sun Feb 23, 2025 9:11 am Buyers remorse sounds like a pile of crap. Voters knew exactly who Trump was when they voted for him. I've seen some individual Trump voters who have decided they're honorable old school Republicans who are getting behind Zelensky. They're full of shit.
It all sounds very similar to Britain in the eighties, when every opinion poll favoured health spending over tax cuts and every election favoured the opposite.
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By Abernathy
Just listened to Emmanuel Macron speaking at the White House presser after meeting with Trump. As, I guess, is to be expected, he was very nicely-nicely and full of warm words - “Dear Donald”. No doubt Trump was greatly enjoying getting his sphincter tongued in the French manner, but I still prefer the late Janey Godley’s brand of diplomacy.
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By Bones McCoy
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:13 pm Apparently that stuff comes from Zero Hedge, and was taken up by Fox News, then Elmo.

The Treasury Secretary has already said yes, the gold is still there.
Hundreds of simps twiting about it "Not been Audited since Teddy Roosevelt".

These guys lie faster than they breathe.
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By Watchman
The Weeping Angel wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:07 pm He watched Goldfinger late one night didn't he?

I’m off to the NatWest this morning to demand they show me the money in my accounts
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By Watchman
Tubby Isaacs wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 7:31 pm It's not impossible that one of Elon's YTS boys changed the numbers on the spreadsheet.

It would be interesting what the corresponding entry in Tesla accounts looks like, especially if they show they are over- reporting their financial state
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Watchman wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 8:18 am
The Weeping Angel wrote: Mon Feb 24, 2025 9:07 pm He watched Goldfinger late one night didn't he?

I’m off to the NatWest this morning to demand they show me the money in my accounts
Isn't that what accelerated the Great Crash of 1929?
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By Crabcakes
Some observations:

It has been noted Trump has a large bruise on the back of his right hand. This has periodically been seen previously too.

If you were having IV treatment with a line in, you’d get a bruise much like that.

A common treatment to slow Alzheimer’s involves having IV drugs every 2 weeks or so.

Alzheimer’s has a hereditary element to it in terms of risk of development. Other risks include an unhealthy diet, a lack of mental stimulation and sleep deprivation.

Trump’s diet is largely McDonald’s and Coke, and he is known for watching TV for hours and tweeting at all times of the day and night.

Trump’s father had Alzheimer’s.
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By Abernathy
The irony, if what the above suggests is true, of Joe Biden having withdrawn from running against Trump because he was suspected to be suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s, is off the scale.

Mind you, having Alzheimer’s never seemed to be a problem for Ronnie Reagan.
Oboogie liked this
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