No that's too ridiculous.
“I’d love to have the conversation with you about how we do this all over London, but I want to start with the most local place possible, which is the canteen just behind me,” said Mr Polanski during the monthly Mayor’s Question Time session on Thursday.Quite the plan there, Zach. Won't they have to ask for the vegan food as well? Or do they just stand there in silence while it's passed to them? As someone who is mostly vegetarian, I think I'd order the meat just to make conversation.
“Would you consider working with the contractor to make sure that our canteen at City Hall is plant-based by default? What I mean by that is the first thing on the menu is vegan or plant-based, that it’s the biggest font, that it’s the most attractive option.
“People can still have meat and dairy if they wish - but they ask for it - so we’re just flipping it the other way around, and making sure a healthy and sustainable diet is the default.”