:sunglasses: 25 % :laughing: 50 % :cry: 25 %
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By Crabcakes
I think the simultaneously most pessimistic and optimistic take on Trump 2.0’s reign is that so many ordinary people will be affected in some way - and by that I of course mean negatively - that the audience for Trump and Musk and the like will simply no longer be there in sufficient numbers.

Like Covid outrage at Boris’s party pals, when no one but the rich has healthcare and everyone is sick and dying of simple, curable things because vaccines are banned, when veterans and pensioners are penniless because their benefits have gone, when no women can get birth control and everyone knows someone who died in childbirth or who was never the same again when they were forced to carry an unviable pregnancy to term, when more and more communities are destroyed from weather extremes or fracking/drilling and no insurance will pay because corporations have been given too much power, and on top of all this every social medial post is a fawning puff piece, then it will change.
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By Andy McDandy
Following his withdrawal from the WHO, insulin prices increased between 2000 and 3000% across the USA. Those are not typos.

Meanwhile, he's demanding apologies from the bishop of Washington for her sermon, and Fox News are calling her a ranting lunatic. The Mail has been more moderate, just calling her a woke and hard left activist.

This is fucking evil.
By Youngian
Isn't Russia already under sanctions or is Trump proposing to exempt Russia from tariffs that he wants other nations pay? If Russia 'cuts a deal.'
Maybe Trump will get really tough and threaten to arm Ukraine.
It's going to be like Brexit, getting a headache working out something fundamental you're missing because it can't be this stupid.
Screenshot_20250122_172203_X~2.jpg (291.59 KiB) Viewed 961 times
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By Malcolm Armsteen
It beggars fucking belief.

Beggars it.

By Youngian
Trump's found a new enemy of the people already, Episcopalians. The bishop is nasty according to Trump.
In sermon to Trump, Bishop Budde pleads for immigrants, transgender rights

About halfway through the service, Trump, seated in the front row, heard a sermon that functioned as one of the first public criticisms of his second administration. After beginning her homily by exploring the difficulty of forging a “kind of unity that fosters community across diversity and division, a unity that serves the common good,” the Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, singled out three foundational principles for the task: honoring the inherent dignity of every human being, honesty and humility.
https://religionnews.com/2025/01/21/in- ... er-rights/
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By Crabcakes
Youngian wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:29 pm Isn't Russia already under sanctions or is Trump proposing to exempt Russia from tariffs that he wants other nations pay? If Russia 'cuts a deal.'
Maybe Trump will get really tough and threaten to arm Ukraine.
It's going to be like Brexit, getting a headache working out something fundamental you're missing because it can't be this stupid.
I was surprised by this, because unless Putin has set this up so he can hand Trump a ‘win’, it’s oddly critical.

I wonder if someone (by which I mean probably Musk) is starting to get ideas above his station, and is whispering in Trump’s ear that *he* could be the big boss and have Putin say nice things to him? Or maybe Zelenskyy is better at flattery - and we all know that pushes Trump’s buttons.
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By Andy McDandy
Putin probably realises that even if he were to roll over the Ukrainians tomorrow, his army would be caught up in guerrilla warfare, what liquid assets they have left would be squirrelled away abroad, and it would be a massive festering sore on his southern flank forever. Afghanistan without the suntan.

If he 'obeys' Trump, he's still the world's boogeyman. He's just now part of a double act. If he ignores him, then Trump shrugs, says he doesn't know what else to do, and it all carries on.

At this rate, we need to get them together in a conference and then either lock the door and set fire to the building, or manifest a giant space squid to crush them both and fry their brains.
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:06 pm Following his withdrawal from the WHO, insulin prices increased between 2000 and 3000% across the USA. Those are not typos.

Meanwhile, he's demanding apologies from the bishop of Washington for her sermon, and Fox News are calling her a ranting lunatic. The Mail has been more moderate, just calling her a woke and hard left activist.

This is fucking evil.
Not quite off the T4 playbook, but one can see the similarities.


It's to English nobility and monarch we look for the treatment of turbulent priests.

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By Tubby Isaacs
But if you don’t make your product in America, which is your prerogative, then very simply, you will have to pay a tariff, differing amounts, but a tariff which will direct hundreds of billions of dollars, and even trillions of dollars into our Treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt.
Trilions in tax rises on domestic consumers. Economic populism.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Today's highlights include an abusive phone call to NATO ally, Denmark, something about California having half-finished pipes that could be supplying water flowing from the Pacific Northwest (does he think gravity goes from North to South, and the brainfart that states should take care of natural disasters by themselves (albeit with Congress sending money). That would be very bad for low population rural states, which are all Republican apart from New Mexico and Vermont.
Oboogie liked this
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By Tubby Isaacs
Today's highlights include an abusive phone call to NATO ally, Denmark, something about California having half-finished pipes that could be supplying water flowing from the Pacific Northwest (does he think gravity goes from North to South, and the brainfart that states should take care of natural disasters by themselves (albeit with Congress sending money). That would be very bad for low population rural states, which are all Republican apart from New Mexico and Vermont.
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