By MisterMuncher
He really is an odious little shit. For all his chin-scratching and pseudy posturing, he is, at best, a posturing edgelord who is not all that good at it. Extricating how much of it is "playful" and how much is sincere at this point is an exercise in futility. To cite a law that first emerged on Twitter, Popehat's Law Of Goats, it doesn't matter why you think you fucked a goat, everyone just knows you're the guy who fucked a goat.
AOB, zuriblue liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
My old man knew how to deal with people like Musk, to quote, he had his colleagues Lee and Enfield, and his old pal Bren...

Seriously, now, how else?
Samanfur liked this
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By Malcolm Armsteen
He never had to use his bayonet, he assured me, which he felt was a good thing...

But on the other hand...
By RedSparrows
Interesting article here, about responses to Musk the Scamp. ... this-time/

It's very familiar to anyone who's been online a lot, but less so 'IRL'.

Right wing twattery flourishes when they flood the zone with shit, and people litigate stuff that's already old news, preaching to the converted. The quite understandable (and often necessary anyway) desire to correct, fact check and appeal to reason can't do the job alone.

The context is key: the fact of there being so much shit in the zone, not what it's precise consistency is. It's easy to see where it comes from. Ditto Putin: just check the various narratives about Ukraine he's pushed. It doesn't matter what he believes, in a sense. What matters is bombs falling on children. What matters is Musk's overall performance. It's fucking obvious.
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By zuriblue
AOB wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:06 am I've seen his autism thrown in there as an excuse. Autism can be a valid reason to explain certain types of behaviour but I'm not sure it covers throwing a Nazi salute twice. I find the explanation that he's a cunt as the most logical one.
I've seen it described as Caughtism - a condition which causes sufferers to blame their reprehensible behaviour on a dubious claim of neurodivergence rather than taking responsibility for their actions. Similar to Schrödinger's Arsehole.
Andy McDandy, Spoonman, AOB liked this
By RedSparrows
But that's the point. It COULD be ironic and that still wouldn't change anything, because he also embodies oligarchy, backs Trump who wants to report forrins, supports the AFD, retweets conspiracist lunacy, enables Nazi accounts and dampens anything that seeks to critique the great MAGA clown tank parade.

The 4chan/playground :lol irony triggered lib: tactic of yelling 'fire' in a crowded theatre doesn't work if everyone can smell smoke.
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By Crabcakes
The tell is, all the traditional news networks and friendly press tried to pretend it wasn’t what it was or simply didn’t show it at all. His supporters tried to pretend it wasn’t what it was. But Musk has it as his pinned tweet.

The people who the gesture was aimed at know EXACTLY what it is. The more reasonable but right of centre people who would be horrified by it need to be convinced it wasn’t what it was, or simply have the truth hidden from them, and everyone else needs to be framed as a hysterical leftie screaming “Nazi” because they hate Musk and Trump - pushing those sheltered centre right types further towards accepting whatever Trump does until it’s too late to back out.

In this scenario, actions not only speak louder than words but also have an effect without that polarising action. So I’m delighted to see how many organisations and groups are simply now banning links to X - no fuss, no hysterics or trumpeting it, just “nope. Not joining in anymore”.
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