:laughing: 100 %
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By Abernathy
Andy McDandy wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 7:24 pm

You're right that he knows he has to publicly distance himself from Lennon, but he also knows that once you give them a wash and a cheap suit, the average EDLer will pass quite easily as a ReFucker.
Talking of racist fuckwits in smart suits, I’m reminded of an election count I attended some years ago at the National Indoor Arena in Birmingham . Can’t remember which particular election it was - it might have been a Euro election. Anyway the NIA has a large undercroft that runs all the way round the central arena, where all the various constituency counts from around the city were taking place. The undercroft acts as a kind of route/thoroughfare for people to make their way around the arena. A bunch of us Labour spods - no more than about 7 or 8 of us, easily identifiable by red rosettes and stickers etc, were walking along when we saw a group-of BNP “workers” coming towards us. They were suited and booted for respectability, but were identifiable as BNP spods by their rosettes, and a couple of them had tell-tale neck tattoos peeping out above their Marks & Spencer shirt collars and ties.

As their group grew closer to us, their body language was belligerent, aggressive, even threatening. They had clocked us as Labour, and as we passed them by, the sense of burning hostility was absolutely palpable, even though we had done nothing to provoke it, as far as I was concerned. I swear that one of them even actually snarled at us as he went past.

It really told me all I needed to know about the nature of these racist fuckwits, and I’ve never forgotten it.

Farage and his crew are pretty much exactly the same as these thugs.
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By Yug
Rosvanian wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:32 pm Comments on Mail Online are a sight to behold. It's all Tommeh this, Nigel that, but Elon. Real life Vicky Pollard, the fuckers don't know what to think.
Of course they don't know what to think. That's what Paul Dacre's for.

What's the difference between a supermarket trolley and a Mail reader? The supermarket trolley has a mind of it's own.
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By Watchman
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 11:34 am
Youngian wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 7:45 am Rocket science is yet another subject Julia HB is unqualified to comment on about but doesn't stop her.
Ironically, rocket science is also a subject Musk is unqualified to comment on.

His staff are geniuses. He, is not.
Trouble is, geniuses come up with genius ideas.............which makes Muskie look stupid, so he has a hissy fit, sacks them and claims the ideas as his own
By Bones McCoy
Crabcakes wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 11:34 am
Youngian wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 7:45 am Rocket science is yet another subject Julia HB is unqualified to comment on about but doesn't stop her.
Ironically, rocket science is also a subject Musk is unqualified to comment on.

His staff are geniuses. He, is not.
The more he talks, the narrower his expertise is shown to be.

Now restricted to:
* Cheerleading the fash.
* Other gobshitery.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Apart from being quite appalling, is this a leadership challenge by Rupes?

Well done, Great Yarmouth.
Peter Walker

Reform MP Rupert Lowe condemns “the mass rape of young, white working glass girls by gangs of Pakistani rapists", saying the victims "may well be in the millions”. He calls for a pause to visas from Pakistan and for the “wives, sisters, mothers, cousins” of perpetrators to also be deported.
January 8, 2025 at 3:56 PM
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By Tubby Isaacs
This shit really couldn't be any more obvious.
Reform UK MP Rupert Lowe suggests Pakistan should face visa ban until it agrees to take back nationals guilty of rape
Or indeed more stupid. No visas for people, however well qualified or needed they are, because some people of the same heritage committed crimes.
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By Tubby Isaacs
Farage also claimed that Jay didn't mention grooming gangs. Had that been true, I think it might have been noticed in 2022, not least by Farage himself. Not that I particularly rate The Independent, but it says
In an earlier damning report, the inquiry found there were “extensive failures” in the way child sexual exploitation by criminal gangs was tackled, with police and authorities potentially downplaying the scale of abuse over concerns about negative publicity.

According to the February 2022 findings, which looked specifically at grooming gangs, child victims – some of whom reported being raped, abused, and in one case forced to perform sex acts on a group of 23 men while held at gunpoint – were often blamed by authorities for the ordeals they suffered while some were even slapped with criminal records for offences closely linked to their sexual exploitation.
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