:🤗 75 % :poo: 25 %
Fucking powerful. Thanks for that.
I also hope Kim Leadbeater’s bill passes, largely because there are people, especially older folks, who have no relatively straightforward access to this escape from terrible illness.

My drawer of various medications (literally a few centimetres below this keyboard) would/will facilitate that passage once the alternatives become settled and unconscionable.
Abernathy wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 3:12 pm Nick Cohen has written a very fine piece here :

https://nickcohen.substack.com/p/assist ... fjb0H4XJVA
Mahmood echoed, instead, a deep suspicion of the British state that is everywhere today. That Mahmood, a Labour politician, who in theory believes in the power of state to bring change is so mistrustful, shows how profoundly the decline of post-Brexit UK has depressed morale.

In a country where nothing works, we can’t die in peace,

In reality institutions were more likely to get away with closing ranks to hide corruption and incompetence in the trusting post war years.
Maybe there's someone closer to home that many people don't trust, themselves and their relatives with an eye on the jewelry box.

Suicide wasn't made illegal in England for theological reasons as Cohen suggests but inheritance law. If you committed a crime, your wealth went to the state so people would take their own lives while awaiting trial. Especially if capital punishment awaited.
Last edited by Youngian on Thu Nov 28, 2024 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Weeping Angel wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:30 pm This isn't filling me with confidence.

Well, yes. I thought it was a strange thing for Kim to have said at the time she said it. But I don't think it is indicative of a shocking ignorance of how lawmaking works in the UK. Rather something that might have been better expressed. I suspect Kim was referring to the text of her bill not being susceptible to amendment once it has been given royal assent and enacted. We all know that any law passed can be, and is amended by subsequent parliaments.

Who the fuck is "Danielle Blake" anyway ? Not at all sure what you mean by saying something doesn't fill you with confidence.
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 3:54 pm Why is it whenever I post a tweet I have to provide a detailed biography of them?
Because you don't take into account the relative reliability of sources.
Because you expect other people to do the work needed to make your posts comprehensible.
Because you are prone to attacks of the 'O Noes'.
Oboogie, Nigredo liked this
It's pretty obvious what Danielle meant and she's right. The fact that Kim leadbitter doesn't realise that her bill can be amended makes me come to the conclusion that this bill is ill thought out nonsense that is so flawed that if enacted it will be another post office scandal and contaminated blood scandal. Something we look back on with horror.
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 5:04 pm It's pretty obvious what Danielle meant and she's right. The fact that Kim leadbitter doesn't realise that her bill can be amended makes me come to the conclusion that this bill is ill thought out nonsense that is so flawed that if enacted it will be another post office scandal and contaminated blood scandal. Something we look back on with horror.
Kim Leadbeater does not not realise that her bill can be amended after it is enacted by subsequent parliaments. If it gets past second reading tomorrow then it almost definitely will be amended at the committee and report stages, which Kim understands perfectly well. She was, in my view, talking about when the bill has completed its progress through the Commons and the Lords and is ready for royal assent. Your “conclusion”is ill-informed bollocks. For pity’s sake engage your fucking brain and look beyond quoting inflammatory tweets by mysterious actors.
I posted a link to the full text of the Ledbeater bill at the start of this thread. Have you actually read it ?
Last edited by Abernathy on Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Bill itself contains the procedures by which it can be amended, or annulled.

Section 39, paras 1-5.

Leadbeater meant something else.
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 5:04 pm It's pretty obvious what Danielle meant and she's right.
What if Danielle is an idiot, or a bad actor? Did you check her posts?
Is there any indication that she has the knowledge and understanding to make such an authoritative statement?

I've bothered to look at her posts and I think she is unqualified to pontificate.
Oboogie liked this
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 6:30 pm I have engaged my brain this is a bad bill full of flaws that if enacted into law will be a disaster.
Explain yourself. Just how, in your view, will it be “a disaster”?
What are the flaws ?
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 7:17 pm I've been following Danielle for 8 years she's not a bad actor.
Then you'll know she mainly posts about American Football...
The Weeping Angel wrote: Thu Nov 28, 2024 7:17 pm I've been following Danielle for 8 years she's not a bad actor.
She's ok generally but think she's got the wrong end of the stick here. What Leadbetter was probably referring to is people talking about how all sorts of other things might get added to it after it's brought in, as in the Netherlands. Leadbetter I think means that they'd need new legislation for that.
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