:pray: 50 % :laughing: 25 % :cry: 12.5 % :🤗 12.5 %
By Youngian
Farage told Ferrari he couldn't open a constituency office in Clacton as he was advised by the speaker's office that there were security issues. Hoyle confirms Farage is lying his arse off as usual and no conversation took place.
https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/nigel-farage ... ea-knives/
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By Abernathy
So the real reasons he isn't doing constituency advice sessions are:

a. He is a lazy cunt.

b. There may well be a remote risk of someone turning up and having at him with more than a fucking milkshake - in which case he needs to seek security advice from the parliamentary security team - just like all the proper MPs do.

What a slimey, lying little cunt he is.
By Youngian
in which case he needs to seek security advice from the parliamentary security team - just like all the proper MPs do.

As Hoyle has already pointed out if Farage had bothered to see him which he hasn't. I believe there's a mandatory allowance for MP's constituency offices rather than expense claims. So a nice little earner for Farage as well.
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