:sunglasses: 42.9 % :laughing: 57.1 %
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By Andy McDandy
Similar to the US religious right cosying up to Trump. They saw in him someone who wanted their support, so would back whatever they suggested, regardless of his personal morality or beliefs. Plus, he tapped into the undercurrent of white/northern European supremacy that runs through Protestantism.
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By Abernathy
Hitchens is no Tory. In fact he harbours an abiding dislike of the Conservative Party. But he is a conservative (NB, small "c").

However, he is also barking mad. This latest is just one of a long line of idiotic things that he has come up with.
Watchman, Malcolm Armsteen, Nigredo and 1 others liked this
By Bones McCoy
Andy McDandy wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:41 am Similar to the US religious right cosying up to Trump. They saw in him someone who wanted their support, so would back whatever they suggested, regardless of his personal morality or beliefs. Plus, he tapped into the undercurrent of white/northern European supremacy that runs through Protestantism.
Johnson shat that tiny voting bloc (Voters in Ulster have their own parties) by getting married in the Mosque/Cathedral.
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By Watchman
Interesting he signs off with the address as Mail on Sunday; guess he will always hid behind their legal team as opposed to standing up for his own views, himself
By Bones McCoy
Abernathy wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:34 am Hitchens is no Tory. In fact he harbours an abiding dislike of the Conservative Party. But he is a conservative (NB, small "c").

However, he is also barking mad. This latest is just one of a long line of idiotic things that he has come up with.
Certainly not a modern Tory.
Possibly closer to the type of "In the family for generations" rural backbencher from the 1950s.

Tory because:
I struggle to classify him as any non-Conservative political tribe. A lack of imagination on my part.
But also his fondness for writing in their favourite papers.

Perhaps he sees himself as the last of Lord Palmerston's tendency.
Sent to earth to reclaim the party from the taint of Thatcherism.
By MisterMuncher
I imagine in his leftie days he realised a similarly insufferable measure of political purity that the mainstream just weren't prepared to embrace. Even then, though, that was the reason the entire world was in a terrible state of chassis.

He's still hurling on the ditch, it's just a different ditch.
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By Malcolm Armsteen
Space frame or space cadet?
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By MisterMuncher
Monocoque. As he is but one. And a cock.

(And I think I forgot that perhaps Sean O'Casey's "Juno And The Paycock" isn't usually on English/Welsh/Scottish GCSE English Lit reading lists and thus night be a bit of a weaker, wankier reference than it would be amongst meatspace mates)
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By Spoonman
Bones McCoy wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:19 pm
Abernathy wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:34 am Hitchens is no Tory. In fact he harbours an abiding dislike of the Conservative Party. But he is a conservative (NB, small "c").

However, he is also barking mad. This latest is just one of a long line of idiotic things that he has come up with.
Certainly not a modern Tory.
Possibly closer to the type of "In the family for generations" rural backbencher from the 1950s.

Tory because:
I struggle to classify him as any non-Conservative political tribe. A lack of imagination on my part.
But also his fondness for writing in their favourite papers.

Perhaps he sees himself as the last of Lord Palmerston's tendency.
Sent to earth to reclaim the party from the taint of Thatcherism.
I'd place him in somewhere as an English version of what is often termed in North America as a "Paeloconservative", though Hitchens would overlap with a lot of its political philosophy it would certainly not be all of it, notably with regards to non-interventionism and decentralisation of government.
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By Nigredo
MisterMuncher wrote: Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:35 pm I imagine in his leftie days he realised a similarly insufferable measure of political purity that the mainstream just weren't prepared to embrace. Even then, though, that was the reason the entire world was in a terrible state of chassis.

He's still hurling on the ditch, it's just a different ditch.
To his credit, he did fuck off and join the Tories.
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